Saturday, August 29, 2009


We all have different thinking, and we also differ in the extent to which we rack our brains and kill our brain cells.

Some of us think too much (yes think too much), some are lazy to think, some do not think, some think they do not need to think, and some do not think they need to think.

Sometimes you think for yourself, sometimes you think for others.. depending on how much you put others before yourself.

What do I think?

I think Man is forced by circumstances. When our backs are against the wall, we have no other way but to move forward. And when we have only one route out, there can only be one outcome.

The power of the mind is incredible, if you know how to maximize your potential.

Thinking is hard.

And at 535am, it gets even harder.


ice said...

how many of us actually know how to maximize the potential of our brains.


if only it was taught in school


drew said...

swee, u've been watching too much matrix man.

Wanling said...

nice, i like the main pic.

Swee said...

I really hope the education system for kids has been revamped, or at least will be in the future.

It seems like all we are taught is to be exam-smart.

Only thing is, I never learnt that too well.