Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cheap Thrills Of The Day

A complimentary latte from Espressoul.

An extra cookie from TCC.

The (cheap) thrills that you enjoy when you become a regular at the airport.

If you serve good coffee, I will go back.
If you serve average coffee but your staff is friendly, I will go back more often.
If you serve good coffee, and your staff is friendly and knows what I want everytime, I will go back very often.

Puzzles me sometimes when I always go back to the same places but the staff are still as stony-faced.

The best example of exemplary customer service is probably when I order something else from my usual latte, and the waiter/barista asks, "why not a latte?".

To which I'll smile and say, "sure, if you're making it for me..."

And most of the time, I will get a latte made with the most amount of effort and dedication.

Try it next time.

Though sometimes I gotta say, the amount of effort has an inverse relationship with the quality of the coffee.


DZ said...

regular siaaaaaa

Swee said...

dzinmelbourne siaaaaaaa