Monday, June 15, 2009

Smile because it happened..

How did my workshop on Saturday go? Well, I thought it went pretty smoothly and that was further affirmed by my friend and boss of the company. Considering I only started preparing the presentation at the eleventh hour, I'm very happy with how it all went.

Anyway, you might be wondering what's up with my Ronny name. I realize that foreigners find it almost impossible to pronounce my name on the first try, and they always go like "shee wee", "schwee way", "sway way", "subwway"... blah blah.. Well, at least I find that's what happens when I talk to Americans over the phone.

To make things simpler, I decided to give myself a professional moniker. Okay but don't start calling me by that please. I prefer to leave that name just for work-related stuff. And besides that, I love Swee too much. =)


Lin said...

Hahahaa! I think its quite impossible. Im sure there bound to have some pp callling Mr. Ronny Lua soon. Incredibly, ur name is sure unqiue. I have not come across this name in the past few years browsing candidates' resumes. Good Name good start! all the best Ronny Lua.

alvin said...

hi. its. rrrrronnnnAAAllldinho. theres. premier league highlights. at 8. BHAIIII!

Anonymous said...