Sunday, June 21, 2009

We are all bums

It seems that when you don't have a job, you are a bum. At least that's what my friends and I have found out.

Case #1 - Life of a Full Time/Part Time Student
I kinda screwed up my managerial econs paper, because out of the 3 questions that I had painstakingly spotted, only 2 came out. So when the paper ended, a friend of mine came up to me...

Friend: Sweeee! How was the paper?
Me: Bad.. I only did 2 questions.

Friend: Huh... Why?!?!
Me: Because I studied 3, and only 2 came out...

Friend: (in disbelief) What? Then what have you been doing at home?!
Me: *smiles* + rolls eyes x 100

Then I proceeded to tell him that the amount of time I spend at home and the amount of time spent studying has an inverse relationship. And that also happens to be the truth, but he probably thought I was joking with him. Anyway, I did not feel the need to get my point across, because he would probably out-roll his eyes over mine.


Case #2 - Hobbies, and the lack of it
Hobbies used to be something I only thought about when I filled up autograph books. Apparently, it has now taken up another meaning...

That very night of my managerial econs paper, I met up with the guys to drown my sorrows in curry (yes we had prata). Then, my friend told me about his own unfortunate experience...

Mr Kaypoh: Hey dude.. how's life!
My Friend: YOZZZZZZ.. HUAT AH!!!!!!

Mr Kaypoh: Ahhh what are you up to nowadays? Haven't caught up with you since you left school..
My Friend: I'm enjoying my life... what else! =)

Mr Kaypoh: Huh? So you mean you haven't been doing anything? Don't you have any hobbies?
My Friend: ....... (proceeds to click the "X" icon at the top right hand corner)


Maybe we all flock together, but a couple of my friends and I are engaged in really diverse and unique professions. And because of that, it's easier to be misunderstood than anything else. We are all occupied with our own stuff, but sometimes it's just plain tiring to account to everyone.

This is not a frustrated rant of mine, because I really do not care. There are times I just tell people I'm a student, to save myself all the trouble. Sure, they might cast me in a different light, and I just hope they don't fall with their tinted glasses.


Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much time trying to share with people what I do when it is apparent they are not interested at all. I waste my time, my breath, and to make things worse, I waste their time as well.

In the end, no one benefits from it and I get frustrated with myself for all this shit. If you want to learn what it is all about, I'm more than willing to share. But when I take the time out to share, the least I expect is some respect and courtesy.

Sorry, I just need to condition my enthusiasm a little. It's not your fault. The problem lies with me.

1 comment:

drew said...

yeah screw them...go be a richjerk...or better...richvillain!