Friday, April 29, 2011

What really matters

Gripe not about what the ruling party can't do for you, BUT what the opposition party can do for you. 

This is not meant to be a pro-any-party entry, if you could allow me to state my disclaimer first.

The coming GE will be the first time that I'm allowed to cast my confidential vote. All my life, I've never paid much, if any, attention to previous elections. I never understood the importance or significance of it.

Am I Apathetic? Yes, and I won't try to mask the fact that I do not know nor care much about politics.

But lately, I've been pretty disturbed by the countless political opinions being bandied about on Facebook. It's like my Facebook News Feed has been redrawn into a GRC, and a dozen of my friends are now candidates running for the election.

I'm almost tempted to ask which opposition parties they are representing, judging from how strongly they are engaging in propaganda targeted at the PAP.

It's like elitism - you are an ignorant apathetic fool, unless (1) you chip in with your anti-PAP remark, or (2) you show how impressed and motivated you are by the opposition's rallying cries.

I could go on and on, but I don't want this to be a political battleground so I won't carry on much further.


I've always maintained that it's easiest to campaign for change.

The idea of "Change" is always welcome to the dissatisfied, and there will always be a fair number of people who are discontented.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all policy and never will there be one, because that is simply not possible. We all come from different backgrounds - culturally, economically, racially, behaviorally.

Square pegs won't fit well in round holes, but it will be justified as long as there are more square holes than round ones. It's easy to gripe/bitch about the policies that do not benefit you, but the individual perspective becomes insignificant when the onus is on bringing the country forward.

When I see so many of my friends comment that they will vote for the opposition, regardless of who the opposition is and what they are capable of delivering, I find that pretty disturbing.

Perhaps competence could turn out to be the undoing for the ruling party. When perfection/comfort is taken for granted by everyone, even the slightest mistakes cannot be afforded.

What an exciting week ahead. =)

And here are some posters to lighten the atmosphere...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the "change" people are campaigning for, is because there is serious unfairness in the incumbent system in the first place.

I dont think everyone wants PAP down or are tearing the govt apart. That is the msg PAP wants to spread to others (who hasnt been catching on news outside state owned media) - that if anyone votes for another party, it's a sign you want this country to go to doom. You are contributing to the downfall of your World Class nation.

That's what we were brought up with as well.

Such imbalance in the parliament is atrocious - if you have seen parliament debates and how hard the alternative voices (CST and LTK) gets sneered at by the incumbent when they request for upgrading for their people (who happened to pay as well for taxes and serves the NS) - it's painful. At least for me, I felt a little sad for my country that we have allowed things to this stage.

Absolute power comes absolute corruption. The country or rather, the incumbent is already guilty of a certain new word we have all learned this election - gerrymandering. That is political corruption and we have been identified by international bodies to be guilty of.

And of course there is the argument that no goverment body on this planet is free of that. If you are not, don't be the big cannon and go around telling people you are and try to portray you are.

I believe people are frustrated, that's all. Actually if you bother to ask the elder generation, some of them are actually quite heartened that the fear of government is slowly draining away. We are a generation mroe educated than the previous so we know our rights and we gather information at a more consistent and broad basis. The incumbent made a lot of mistakes this time round so it just becomes a loose hole for everyone to attack.

If they improve, good for Singaporeans. If they don't, i dont see why their private sector pegged pay should not be pegged to private sector hire and fire style. Because of this, now we have a bunch of cabinet leaders who can only harp on MM Lee's past glories but have nothing to boast for themselves.

I'm not assuming you haven't read anything besides state owned media, but reading beyond helps a lot.
