Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dummies Guide to Scrabble

I never knew how to play scrabble, until only recently.

The first round

And this is not some alien language, it is perfect English, just with a minor twist.

It was the customary Xmas dinner at Dz's place with the usual gang. I missed it last year and I heard that it was pretty bad due to my absence, no? =)

So, I made it a point to attend it this time round, as well to make it up for my no show and pathetic contribution to previous pot-luck dinners. (Snacks, mineral water... I am so thoughtful...)

The food was great, because we made it a point to bar DZ, our beloved salad master, from preparing his delicious salad. I don't mean to be... mean but just take a look at this picture and you will get my point. And I'm not putting that picture up here because I don't want anyone to flag my blog for posting questionable content.

After the meal, Dz proceeded to chase his younger bro out of his own room... so that we could renew our rivalry in everyone's (girls included) favourite game, Winning Eleven. It was the usual hilarious fun, but somehow, it paled in comparison to the highlight of the evening, Scrabble.

In its full glory

For a comprehensive definition of all the words above, check out Andrew's blog.

And then, some ingenious photography efforts at a dose of deja vu.


I don't really celebrate Christmas but an occasion like this makes it all worth the while.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Melly Christmas!

I thought it would be nice to have a change of background with 2008 coming to a close. And I think it would please a few people out there too. Why don't you guys like smiley faces? Sheesh..

I like the current pic; it evokes a tranquil feel.

Here's wishing everyone a happy Christmas and a wonderful year ahead!

Monday, December 22, 2008

"Do you feel lonely?"

I must have that word written on my face because it felt like the inquirer really wanted to ask me that question.

I'm seldom stumped but I think I was, at that very instant...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Have You Smiled Today?

If not, watch this short movie below. I'm sure it would bring you a wide smile, or maybe even a teardrop or two. Especially apt for the festive occasion ahead!

So, don't be stingy in your compliments of others. Give praise when its due, you'll be a lot happier too!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Art of Doing Unto Others & The Art of Listening

I find it easy to console, cajole, pacify, condescend, patronize others but it's the exact opposite when I try to apply it to myself.

Well, I guess it's always easier to talk the talk, than to walk the talk. When I am the onlooker and not the one in question, I am able to get my points across and offer a different perspective. And often a much more optimistic one, which somehow always seems to be oblivious to the person in the spotlight.

And I would like to think that I can be a good listener too. At times, I might offer too many an opinion, but at least I bother to inundate you with suggestions and ideas. I do appreciate the importance of simply listening, and not responding though. That is why silence is golden, no?

I've learnt that sometimes when people engage you in a conversation, what they all need is a listening ear. Not your suggestions or feedback, no matter how genuine and heartfelt it is. They just need an avenue to express their frustration, and to get it off their system.

So, open your ears, let them bear their hearts to you, and really listen and observe. Everyone appreciates a listening ear, at least I do. Don't be your opinionated self and try to force your thoughts on others.

Zip your mouth, grin from ear-to-ear, show that friendly and wrinkled arch on your face, as you say,

"I'm all ears..."

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thought of the Day

Money is Not the Most Important Thing in the World.

Love is.

Fortunately, I Love Money!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Exam's on Sat and I don't feel an ounce of urgency at all.

Xmas' in 2 weeks and I can't feel a bit of the festive spirit.

2009's in 3 weeks and I.... think I need something different in the year ahead!

Monday, December 8, 2008

想你想得好孤寂 - 邰正宵



也许不会失去你Oh! Oh! Oh!

到如今还能说给谁听 Oh! Oh! Oh!



Classic... Another goosebump-inducing song.
Johnson, I know you'll like it..

If you haven't heard this song before, it's the first song on my playlist.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


My friend's MSN nick, and I can't help but feel it's somewhat apt.

When you have reached the end, or at least you think you have, is it really the end? The end of one thing, usually signifies the start of something else.

When your work has ended for the day, you start looking forward to the rest of the day with your family or loved ones.

When you are done with your education, you start your career path.

At times, the end and start are mutually exclusive. There has to be an end, before you can see the start.

There will be times you realise that the end doesn't justify the means, but you have to face up to it all the same.

Ending something is never easy...
Embracing a fresh start is, especially when a false dawn awaits...

After such a long time, I still question myself every now and then.

It's been a tough year.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm a part time student...

What I've been busy with:

No.. not all profits, but at least I see some money coming in.. =)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


你的回話凌亂著 在這個時刻
我想起噴泉旁的白鴿 甜蜜散落了
情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛你呢
而你斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了

時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
離開時的不快樂 你用卡片手寫著
有些愛只給到這 真的痛了

怎麼了 你累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心一一細數著 你再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得

你不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢

你的回話凌亂著 在這個時刻
我想起噴泉旁的白鴿 甜蜜散落了
情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛你呢
而你斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了

時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
離開時的不快樂 你用卡片手寫著
有些愛只給到這 真的痛了

怎麼了 你累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心一一細數著 你再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得

你不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢

怎麼了 你累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了 我都還記得
你不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢