And this is not some alien language, it is perfect English, just with a minor twist.
It was the customary Xmas dinner at Dz's place with the usual gang. I missed it last year and I heard that it was pretty bad due to my absence, no? =)
So, I made it a point to attend it this time round, as well to make it up for my no show and pathetic contribution to previous pot-luck dinners. (Snacks, mineral water... I am so thoughtful...)

The food was great, because we made it a point to bar DZ, our beloved salad master, from preparing his delicious salad. I don't mean to be... mean but just take a look at this picture and you will get my point. And I'm not putting that picture up here because I don't want anyone to flag my blog for posting questionable content.

After the meal, Dz proceeded to chase his younger bro out of his own room... so that we could renew our rivalry in everyone's (girls included) favourite game, Winning Eleven. It was the usual hilarious fun, but somehow, it paled in comparison to the highlight of the evening, Scrabble.
For a comprehensive definition of all the words above, check out Andrew's blog.
And then, some ingenious photography efforts at a dose of deja vu.

I don't really celebrate Christmas but an occasion like this makes it all worth the while.