Well, I guess it's always easier to talk the talk, than to walk the talk. When I am the onlooker and not the one in question, I am able to get my points across and offer a different perspective. And often a much more optimistic one, which somehow always seems to be oblivious to the person in the spotlight.
And I would like to think that I can be a good listener too. At times, I might offer too many an opinion, but at least I bother to inundate you with suggestions and ideas. I do appreciate the importance of simply listening, and not responding though. That is why silence is golden, no?
I've learnt that sometimes when people engage you in a conversation, what they all need is a listening ear. Not your suggestions or feedback, no matter how genuine and heartfelt it is. They just need an avenue to express their frustration, and to get it off their system.
So, open your ears, let them bear their hearts to you, and really listen and observe. Everyone appreciates a listening ear, at least I do. Don't be your opinionated self and try to force your thoughts on others.
Zip your mouth, grin from ear-to-ear, show that friendly and wrinkled arch on your face, as you say,
"I'm all ears..."
Hahaha.. havent u already known this long ago!!??
Yup, I guess so... =)
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