Friday, April 29, 2011

What really matters

Gripe not about what the ruling party can't do for you, BUT what the opposition party can do for you. 

This is not meant to be a pro-any-party entry, if you could allow me to state my disclaimer first.

The coming GE will be the first time that I'm allowed to cast my confidential vote. All my life, I've never paid much, if any, attention to previous elections. I never understood the importance or significance of it.

Am I Apathetic? Yes, and I won't try to mask the fact that I do not know nor care much about politics.

But lately, I've been pretty disturbed by the countless political opinions being bandied about on Facebook. It's like my Facebook News Feed has been redrawn into a GRC, and a dozen of my friends are now candidates running for the election.

I'm almost tempted to ask which opposition parties they are representing, judging from how strongly they are engaging in propaganda targeted at the PAP.

It's like elitism - you are an ignorant apathetic fool, unless (1) you chip in with your anti-PAP remark, or (2) you show how impressed and motivated you are by the opposition's rallying cries.

I could go on and on, but I don't want this to be a political battleground so I won't carry on much further.


I've always maintained that it's easiest to campaign for change.

The idea of "Change" is always welcome to the dissatisfied, and there will always be a fair number of people who are discontented.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all policy and never will there be one, because that is simply not possible. We all come from different backgrounds - culturally, economically, racially, behaviorally.

Square pegs won't fit well in round holes, but it will be justified as long as there are more square holes than round ones. It's easy to gripe/bitch about the policies that do not benefit you, but the individual perspective becomes insignificant when the onus is on bringing the country forward.

When I see so many of my friends comment that they will vote for the opposition, regardless of who the opposition is and what they are capable of delivering, I find that pretty disturbing.

Perhaps competence could turn out to be the undoing for the ruling party. When perfection/comfort is taken for granted by everyone, even the slightest mistakes cannot be afforded.

What an exciting week ahead. =)

And here are some posters to lighten the atmosphere...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We are all role-playing creatures

We are all role-players.

A show needs multiple roles to go on - bad guy, good guy, pretty actress, supporting actor, calefare.
Without the multitude of roles, the show can't run and nothing will happen basically.

The same thing can be said of the roles that are assumed when humans interact.

Where there is a boss, there will be an employee.
Where there is a tyrant, there will be a meek victim.
Where there is a giver, there will be a taker.

Relationships and roles are always relative.
It's hard or almost impossible to have 2 parties doing the same thing.

Case in point:
In a relationship, it's seldom you see 2 people playing the same role.
There will be one half who gives more, while the other half receives more.
Even if they started off being equally giving, gradually it evolves somewhat into a more lopsided relationship.

It's like if all the leading roles in a show has been taken up, you will be forced to take the remaining supporting roles.

If your other half is already always giving, then it's natural that you will adapt and take on the role of the receiver and get used to erm... receiving.

So... pick your role/s wisely!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thoughts from Europe

Thank you for the thoughtful gifts!

*and i'm pretty sure i will be even chubbier when i finish all the waffles


我在拼什么 在意什么最多
就怕最在乎的人 也不想懂
盼望 回过头你在身后
温柔看我 没有不快乐
懂我拼什么 懂我最宝贝你了





Friday, April 22, 2011

Your True Value

When you're at the top of your game, people tend to fawn around you.
They go out of the way to make life easy for you, and make you feel special.

When you're down and out, the people who used to fawn around you disappear.
They look for the next in-form player to attach themselves to, and a new cycle begins.

The people who stick around throughout your ups and downs - they are the ones who really matter.
They judge you by your character, and they see your true value and potential.
These are the people I look for when I decide who I wanna work with.


I have wandered for a long, long time, and I find myself now lost in a valley.
I know very well that I have to do the walking myself, but I figured I could use some help/direction.
So... I ask familiar faces around me if they could point me in the right direction.

From valley to peak

I get mixed responses.
Some former fawners are now scorners.
Some remain as helpful as ever and talk to me as if I have never left.

Just know that I won't be lost for any much longer in the valley.
When I climb my way to the top of the mountain, the same fawn trick won't work again.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Awakening

It's not a nice feeling when you see your loved one lying on the bed, and suffering from so much pain.

My dad's op was successful, and he's currently recovering from it.
But it's still quite upsetting to see him grimacing; even breathing seems painful to him now.

He will recover fully eventually, that im sure.

It's just that when I was at the hospital earlier and I was looking at him, it made me realize how important and dear each and every member of my family is to me.

There are moments when you look at your parents, and you think to yourself...


Made me determined to climb out of this rut,
and climb out I will.


It's always during such moments of vulnerability do we realize the most important people, are always the people we take for granted.

The people who genuinely care so much about you, and the people you know you can always count on when you're down and out... sunshine and in shade.

Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.


I might not have did a lot, but when the occasions called for it, I was sure I gave it my utmost attention and care.

And it was something I was (and still am) very willing to do.

But it sucks when you find out that your attention is just one aplenty out there,
like a substitute.
like a commodity.

A day of many awakenings.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hope everything goes well

My dad will be having an op tomorrow to remove the stones in his body.

Hope everything will go smoothly and my dad will be as fit as a fiddle after that.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I'd like to think i'm usually quite rational, but when it comes to things like this, I usually do not know what to do.

And when I think about what I usually advise others when they tell me about their issues, it makes it even more ironic. haha


Seeing the bigger picture

The job of the CEO isn't to check things off the agenda. Her job is to set the agenda, to figure out what's next.

Friday, April 15, 2011

An Epiphany

I had an epiphany a couple of days ago.

It was routine Tuesday night soccer and we had been playing for around half an hour or so. We were on a row, winning game after game and our winning streak didn't seem like it was gonna end at all.

Then after one game, I slung my body against the side netting and then this thought came to my mind.

"I am having such an enjoyable life now.. And it doesn't come across as too hard to achieve, does it?"

Seeking happiness is overrated and a never-ending pursuit.

So the bottom-line is...


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Like it?

Then click the Like button!

Because 012 suggested every site should have a like button, i've added that to my blog.
You will see the very addictive button at the end of every post, and you know you cant help but to click on it.



Tuesday, April 12, 2011



The Biggest Obstacle

We know many things, much more than our conscious acknowledgement.
But without execution, nothing will come to fruition.

The biggest obstacle isn't not knowing what to do;
it's not doing what we know.

So what's stopping us from executing what we know?


If you can get rid of the interFEARence, and halt the conversations that you are having with yourself in your own head, you will be on your way to happy things (whatever happy means to you).

Friday, April 8, 2011

Are You Ok?

"Are You Ok?"

I think this is one of the toughest questions to answer.

There is no perfect answer to this question, unless one is really OK. (or at least in my case)

If I'm ok and you ask me this question, I will say im ok.
If I'm not ok and you ask me this question, I will still say im ok.

If I'm not ok and I say that I'm not ok, the ball is thrown back to your court and you're then required to respond. And that might not be something you're totally comfortable with (or even worse, expecting).

When you do not respond, or come up with a cant-be-bothered response, it will only serve to worsen the degree of non-okayness.

So isn't it better if the answer is always OK?

*Open for debate.. so shoot*





Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm an angry man


The govt has only decided to give me $200 for this year's Budget.
(actually it's only $100 but because I served NS for 2 years without a maid, they gave me an additional $100)

The country is a good prophet and predicts that I will make the same income every year. Because of that, they want me to contribute 40K towards nation-building.
(I would be most pleased to do that I swear, but my income (lack of) last year makes this not possible totally)

I parked my car earlier at the ONLY shady parking lot and my dad came back and said I grazed the car against a lamp post at the back of the lot.

I sleep at night and when I lie on my left, my shoulder feels like dropping out. Then I turn to my right, and my knee feels like loosening its screws.

Ok end of rant.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Limping away...

I guess it's better to limp away, than to stay around and be a busy fool.

Friday, April 1, 2011


There's no shame in picking yourself up after falling from great heights.

There should be no embarrassment in starting from scratch, and building from ground zero.

I know it's taken very long, but be patient with me. 

I know I will come back stronger.

I don't need another person to tell me what I should do; I already knew that since day 2.

There's no shame in setting smaller goals. What matters is the fulfillment, the momentum and the satisfaction gained from it.

A bird with torn wings still has to hunt for food, the world doesn't stop and wait for its wings to heal.

Good night/morning world!