Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Awakening

It's not a nice feeling when you see your loved one lying on the bed, and suffering from so much pain.

My dad's op was successful, and he's currently recovering from it.
But it's still quite upsetting to see him grimacing; even breathing seems painful to him now.

He will recover fully eventually, that im sure.

It's just that when I was at the hospital earlier and I was looking at him, it made me realize how important and dear each and every member of my family is to me.

There are moments when you look at your parents, and you think to yourself...


Made me determined to climb out of this rut,
and climb out I will.


It's always during such moments of vulnerability do we realize the most important people, are always the people we take for granted.

The people who genuinely care so much about you, and the people you know you can always count on when you're down and out... sunshine and in shade.

Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.


I might not have did a lot, but when the occasions called for it, I was sure I gave it my utmost attention and care.

And it was something I was (and still am) very willing to do.

But it sucks when you find out that your attention is just one aplenty out there,
like a substitute.
like a commodity.

A day of many awakenings.

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