Friday, June 11, 2010

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

I just recovered (almost) from a very nasty bout of illness for the past 2-3 days. I can't remember when was the last time I felt so sick - man it was terrible!

Like what Andrew described of himself, I was really like a walking zombie for the past 2 days. Haha.

Once I got out of the bed, the only thing I wanna do is to get back. And so it was 2 full days of rest for me as I let my battery recharge.

Lots of time to think about stuff these few days and I thought that was a good thing.

I realize my mind is much clearer when I'm away from the computer. Most of my ideas and thoughts only come when I am not staring at my laptop.

Actually, I find that my mind goes through a lot when I close my eyes and I splash/shower/spray water on my face. That also means the times when I wash my face, shower, or swim.

Anyway, I have been thinking of the steps ahead and the path that I should be taking. Been thinking about it for some time but I guess I needed a fever to jolt my brain cells into overdrive.

Things move. People move.
Now it's time for me to move!

1 comment:

alvin said...

ive been pretty much the same over the past week. only diff is i need to haul ass to office everyday zzzz