Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When being lost is not all bad...

What's better?

A) You're lost and moving in all directions, feeling and trying to find the right way out for you.. You find yourself constantly making U-turns, and after a few ventured routes, you find yourself back at Square 1.


B) You're confident of where you're headed and you take big strides in that direction. After some distance however, you start to doubt whether this is the right route after all. In spite of your doubts, you continue walking in the same direction because you're already too deep in, and changing routes will immediately render your previous distance covered futile.

It was recently conveyed to me that most people at the age of 25-30 are still figuring out their paths in life. Take people of my age for example. At 26, most females would have had a few years of working experience (assuming they start work at 21). And most guys would have worked for only 1 to 2 years, after 2 years of toil and sweat in national service.

So if you are feeling lost at this stage (aka quarter-life crisis), it's perfectly alright! In fact, you should be more daring and try out more things.

There's not a high chance that you already know what you will be doing for the rest of your career and life, so I say...

Go out and experience every thing that you have always thought of and wanted to!

Ignore the naysayers and pessimists; these people only have bad things to say because they are people with limited mindsets and they cannot embrace people who do better than them.

It's better to have ventured and lost, than not to have ventured at all. 

Friday, February 18, 2011


519am and I'm still so awake.
But i'm also kinda bored because no one else is awake at this time.
Don't know when the late nights came back, but i'm undecided on whether this is a good or bad thing!

I think I get my priorities all wrong.
I do all the least important things first, and procrastinate forever on the critical stuff.
Please... you know what's the wheat and what's the chaff, so separate them. NOW

I think I get attached too easily.
Makes my life so much more miserable.
Especially when it feels im the only one affected by it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

VDay Date FAIL

What's worse than not having a female date on VDay?
Supper with a male friend at your neighbourhood coffeeshop.

What's worse than having supper with a male friend at your neighbourhood coffeeshop on VDay?
When the indian stall assistant looks at you cheekily and asks why didn't you bring your girlfriend along.

Thanks KY and Mani for being there. =)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love is...

So fragile, yet so empowering;
So crippling, yet so forgiving


In the past year, I witnessed quite a few friends who broke up with their other halves.
Most of them were dealt harsh cards, and did not take to the breakup well at all.

I'll write more when i find the right words... in the meantime, i'll leave you with this beautiful song - More Than Words

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some things don't change...

like how leopards dont change their spots..

and soft spots don't change their places...

Friday, February 11, 2011


The problem with most of us is that we behave like we're the best prophets and oracles. But we don't know that divination is only an ability given to animals.

Mani the parakeet

Paul the octopus (January 2008 - 26 October 2010)

So we continue being full of ourselves and assume that whatever we think is correct, or will be correct. 

Don't assume, it makes an ass out of u and me.

More often than not, the only things that can be ascertained are the things that you ASK, or seek to find the truth. 


Stay foolish, stay hungry, keep asking. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My thoughts at 137am

When a secret is revealed but gets dismissed by everyone, it remains what it was originally - a secret.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Danger in Complacency

It's easy to lose yourself when success is your new best friend.
Your ego swells, and it becomes too big for your head.

And we all know what happens when things swell - they burst.

Not everyone can remain humble in the wake of phenomenal success..
If one day you finally reap what you sow, don't let a swollen ego ruin your hard work.
The really successful don't go around showing off.

I'm happy for my friends when they bask in their success, but it's another thing altogether when someone becomes too big for his own good.



Friday, February 4, 2011

I have ZERO gambling luck

The tribe has spoken.. and I have to concur with their verdict....

I have absolutely zilch, zero, nada, kosong luck when it comes to gambling!

As I was just telling my brother yesterday, it's always a case of "same story, different year", for me every year.

Over the years, I've become so accustomed to becoming Santa (or rather God of Fortune in this case), that I've somewhat subconsciously consciously drawn more money to prepare for CNY.

They say that in order to receive you must first give, and that giving is better than receiving. I am very thankful for the existence of such inspirational quotes, because they have managed to keep me sane and hopeful for the past 25 years!

Actually my parents were the first ones to notice my gambling luck, or lack of it. Haha. And when they first told me about it, I was pretty quick to brush it off. But after some self-reflection, I realized they were spot on totally.

Rewind to previous CNYs...

"Hey let Swee be the banker!" Whole floor erupts in joy (Now I understand why)

Me: Hey why aren't you all playing yet?
Everyone else: Cos you're late and we're all waiting for the banker!

Sucks to be me.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011





The sun still rises everyday..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stopping to smell your roses...

This morning, I was facebook stalking (ala KY) and I came across my friend's status update:

"Dreaming of the day I could easily afford to walk into office with a cuppa in my hand every morning."

Then I realized....

"Isn't that what I do everyday?"


The little things that you take for granted, can be very significant to others.

When life gets overbearing sometimes, take a step back to appreciate the finer things you have.

After all, it's not about having a ton of roses;
it's about taking the time to stop and smell them.