Monday, January 28, 2008


I know its late but better late than never right? It took me like 10 yrs but I've decided to...

Start reading...

Not newspapers, mags, tabloids, soccer news, Mens Health, but real books. Books that can be felt and worth spending my time on. Maybe its the company I have nowadays, but it makes me realise that I really should start reading and making up for so much lost time. I have always loved to read but my attention span just does not allow me to read past the first few pages of every book that I set my eyes on every now and then.

I was listening to the Morning Express on Class 95 that day when the Flying Dutchman (FD) said that he is a firm believer that one cannot go through life without reading. Reading broadens your horizons and opens you up to so many things that you would not have had interpreted in a way.

Now, Borders anyone?

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