Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm no longer a student

Please note that your deferment has been approved by Manchester.

Thus, I will contact you in May 2010 to resume your studies, starting with repeating the Applied Marketing module.

Yup so I have decided to put aside my studies, and focus on my business.

No excuses from now on, and no way back too.


Friday, July 24, 2009

What motivates you?

Money? Yeah you bet it does. In fact, I was so excited that I could not get to sleep a few weeks back.

A few weeks on, I ask myself why I don't seem to have much of a feeling and I can't come up with a definite answer.

I really should be though, because I have worked hard for it and this is exactly what I've been looking for right?

I hope I find that missing link soon. =)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Irony at its best

I am fickle-minded.

Previously when I was struggling to make my business profitable, I told myself that if I have to skip a few unproductive classes in school so as to put in a few more productive hours at work, it would be worth it. My point was that even if I am in class, but all that I have in mind is work, it would just be a plain waste of time. So with all the excuses and probably the perfect example of what we call the irrationality of the rationality in place, I relegated my degree to play second fiddle to my business.

My mind switched off in school. I began skipping classes. I went to school sometimes just to get away from work and welcome the distraction that my classmates and friends provided.

There and then, I told myself to keep working hard so that when my business gets on track, I would then be able to focus on my degree. It did make sense and even now, I think it still does. Well, when work is running smoothly, it means you would not have to worry about it much and would be able to instead focus on your studies, no? If only things were that simple. Haha.

Now that I'm beginning to see results in my business, I don't see myself switching focus back to my degree, not to mention allocating it the attention it deserves. It's ironic, isn't it?

I get a lot of questions on whether I intend to get a job now or after I'm done with my studies. The answer has always been pretty firm in my mind, but I always do not put it across to them that convincingly. The reason being, most people have been indoctrinated with the mindset of being an employee that if you see your friend who does not share the same values, they tend to see you in a weird light. So my answer to that kind of question would always be something like:

"Yeah probably, but only when I've graduated."
"I don't know, I'm a full time/part time student."

OR I would just flash them my million-dollar smile. =)

One year ago, I wanted to get a degree because my job back then sucked big time and I felt I needed to upgrade myself to get a better job, and a better salary.

Now, I don't want to get a job because I don't want to be an employee and the reason for getting a degree is now somewhat diluted. What I can earn with what I'm doing is something that is not remotely possible if I were to be an employee. So what warrants my degree now? Self actualization? Yeah but I am probably not at that stage of my life yet.

I question myself more and more if what I'm doing is right and I think I could do with some advice. I've been pretty adamant that I would finish my degree, because I'm already halfway through it and I only need to last the distance for another year. But at the same time, I worry that I would just be wasting time by simply going through the motion the year ahead and not benefiting from the journey at all.

I'm not sure if any of you has gone through this before but I would appreciate if you could give your $0.02 and do speak your mind!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jekyll, Hyde and Me

My friend says I blog more when my exams are nearing, so yup you guessed it, I have a paper this coming Saturday.

The last paper was kinda disastrous, I only got 41 marks but at least I passed! Well, the passing mark is 40 and I think I did well to scrape through by the slightest skin of my teeth. Considering I only did 2 questions out of the stipulated 3, I would like to think I'm pretty lucky, no?

Maybe I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but my interest in school seems to dwindle by the module. Someone asked me when did this lack of interest happen - was it after a year or something? To which I almost felt proud ashamed to say that it happened...... only after 4 modules.

Once again, I have not prepared for the coming paper on Sat with 4 days to go and I have slacked my way through all the tutorials and lectures previously. Trust me when I say I have slacked, because I honestly do not know a single thing about what goes on in lectures and tutorials. Do I sound like a really bad student? Zzz

That is school.

Now for work.

I have been wanting to say this for the longest time, and I think I can finally say it now.

It's been a very long time coming - many hours sacrificed, many classes skipped, many trips to the airport, but finally I can say it with some pride...

I think I have succeeded.


Now to keep it going!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


It's been some time I blogged..

Okay make it a while longer then. haha