Saturday, October 31, 2009

Of Dreams and Goals

*Warning: Lofty Goals and Big Talk ahead

They say that when you dream, dream big.

Well, it makes perfect sense because since you're already dreaming, why waste your time carving out small and minute dreams?

Of course there is still the concern of dreaming within the boundaries of reality and fantasy, but I say throw caution to the wind and dare to dream big!

A few days ago, while walking back home from another supper, I saw a white BMW at the carpark of my block. At that moment, the thought of owning my own Beemer suddenly struck home.

Okay I'm not really a "car guy", because I know nuts about car parts. I don't have the hots for fast cars and I don't go crazy over car zhnging either.

But, a BMW is different.

Don't ask me why its different, its just different.

Seems that I have had the thought or dream of owning one since a long time ago, but had never really given serious thought to it before...

... Till now.

So I've decided to write down my goals and what I want to achieve for now:

  1. Allow my parents to do what they want without worrying about supporting the family financially.

  2. Ensure my income remains consistent (consistently high that is), and eventually financial freedom.

  3. Own a BMW.

  4. Diversify my sources of income via other means of investment (property, stocks).

  5. Having my own cafe.

  6. Giving back to the society.

  7. Globetrotting

It's important to dream big, but it's even more important to know that dreams will just remain as what they are if you do nothing about it.

I think I'm pragmatic enough to know that goals will change as time passes, but these are the things that I've desired, be it in the past or the present.

Watch this space. =)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cool Stuff

Because I was too bored at work, I googled for "motivational wallpaper generator", and this was what I came up with!

Jigsaw me

for the cat lovers

for the ones who skive (aka my wallpaper)

for the ones who are at crossroads

yup I did this up

for the chubby people in the world

Images are courtesy of InterfaceLIFT (awesome, i mean AWESOME images they have there)

Wallpaper, movie poster, and jigsaw effects are from BigHugeLabs. They have tons of other cool widgets there too, so have fun!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My secret life

There have been so many times that I had wanted to write about my innermost thoughts and feelings, but had to hold back because of whoever is reading my blog.

It kinda defeats the purpose of having a blog, but when its something that is so public and exposed, you tend to guard it and think about what you wanna write (or at least for me).

It has been long overdue, but I decided to open up my own private space today.

I actually do have a lot I wanna write about.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

500 Days of Summer

I never knew photocopy rooms were that useful.

Looks like I need a job.

Anyway, great movie.

Not your typical love story.
Just a story about love.

For a review of the movie, try this.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Absence, what does it do?

So there are 2 schools of thought here,
  1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  2. Absence makes the heart die, aka Out of sight, out of mind
Well, when you're deeply in love, the first notion definitely applies to you. A pair of lovebirds going through the honeymoon period, well, even a guy and a girl during courtship, the slightest time apart can easily be extremely torturous for both parties.

You yearn to see him/her every minute, you can't bear to part with her when you've reached her doorstep, you think of her before you turn in every night, and she's the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up in the morning.

Every moment apart is like pulling teeth, and every day without each other passes like a year. The scenario is probably best illustrated when the guy is called up for enforced slavery (read: NS) and has to be apart from each other for the first few weeks. If you could rush out with your rifle to meet your girlfriend, you would!

For better or for worse, that is when absence really makes the heart grow fonder. With the right amount of absence, it strengthens bonds and makes the ones in love, fall even deeper in love. Sweet stuff. =)

So when does the second thought come into play? This frustrating and thorny "absence" issue is an irritating paradox. When the absence becomes too prolonged, voluntary or not, it starts to take on another meaning. The lovely equilibrium tips and absence becomes a double-edged sword.

I write "voluntary or not", because absence could be used to serve different purposes. An involuntary absence would mean something like a long distance relationship, when 2 parties have to be separated by the cold and heartless waters, and yet try to keep their passion burning. Add on other variables like work, culture, fatal attraction, phone bills, internet connectivity, time difference, interest (or lack of it), absence could cause even the fondest of relationships to evolve into icy cold ones.

On the other hand, a voluntary absence could be a scenario whereby you want your other half to forget about you. In the words of the old adage, "Time heals all wounds..."

It could take a few weeks, months, or even years, but eventually all wounds would heal, albeit for some scars. I would like to think that absence is beneficial in this scenario, as its actually therapeutic, and helps one move on from broken relationships.

Broken relationships only hurt when you are still bleeding love. When the blood has run out, would it still hurt? (cheesiness fully intended)

Being out of sight, would then equate to being out of mind. (yes and no literally)

If absence still does not work for you, I suggest you seek some professional help.
Click here -> How to Get Your Ex Back

A third scenario whereby absence could play an important role? The Fad Crush Detector! The next time you think you like someone, stay away from that person for a while. Don't see her, don't text her, don't talk to her, don't even dream of her, and see what that does to you. If she fades away as quickly as she enters your life, it's probably another fad crush that you are oh-so-prone-to.

S0, what do you subscribe to?

* I apologize for the abrupt ending. I was typing this entry midway through till supper came calling. And naturally, my train of thought got knocked off the rails. Better luck next time!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thought of the day

“Good relationships balance over time. This means that at any particular point in time, the relationship may appear quite unbalanced: One partner may be more nurturing; one may be more needy; one may be providing all the financial support, etc. But if both partners are loving, understanding, giving, dedicated and flexible, then the relationship can handle all kinds of ups and downs, and still be strong, exciting and, yes, romantic. The best relationships are well balanced.

Not a delicate balance; not a static balance- but a dynamic ever-changing balance.

— Gregory Godek (via littlemiss)

I thought the last line was very well said.

We are often guilty of picking on others' traits that we cant live with, and we end up making ourselves more miserable. It is always easier if we could change our expectations, learn to adapt and live with our peeves, than to make things harder than they really are.

Monday, October 5, 2009