Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thought of the day

“Good relationships balance over time. This means that at any particular point in time, the relationship may appear quite unbalanced: One partner may be more nurturing; one may be more needy; one may be providing all the financial support, etc. But if both partners are loving, understanding, giving, dedicated and flexible, then the relationship can handle all kinds of ups and downs, and still be strong, exciting and, yes, romantic. The best relationships are well balanced.

Not a delicate balance; not a static balance- but a dynamic ever-changing balance.

— Gregory Godek (via littlemiss)

I thought the last line was very well said.

We are often guilty of picking on others' traits that we cant live with, and we end up making ourselves more miserable. It is always easier if we could change our expectations, learn to adapt and live with our peeves, than to make things harder than they really are.

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