Friday, March 25, 2011

When falling is easier than staying...


This is a long overdue post for my friend of more than 15 years - Weiwen. I promised I will dedicate a post to him, and after being bugged for 38 times everyday, I decided to start writing. I really didn't have an idea of what I wanted to write, but I just know I had to do something for him before he leaves for dark and lonely Sri Lanka.

Buddy, this is for you. It won't be easy ploughing it out there, so whenever you need some company, you can visit my blog. Because this is home truly, and where you know you must be. Cheers to our BMW 6 Series. =)


Many many years ago, I bought a card. I still remembered I was with a couple of friends that day as we went to Planet Traveller at Marina Square. I know it's kinda weird to get a card there, but that was the only thing I got.

I wasn't in a good mood that day. To be honest, I can't remember what was my status back then (single or attached), but I was downcast, and feeling very lost about my relationship.

This is what's written on the card:

"Falling in love is easy,
but staying in love
is something very special."

When I decided to get the card, I wasn't sure who the recipient would be. There were 2 women in my life back then (not including my mum). It seemed like I could pass the card to either person, and yet it would still be equally apt.

In the end, I didn't pass it to anyone.

Just 30 minutes ago, I thought of it and took it out of my drawer. Don't ask me why the sudden remembrance or why this random post, I don't have an answer myself. It just struck me.

What's important is the message on the card, and its underlying meaning.

Humans are fickle creatures. We are prone to go after the latest shiny object, lust after the green-er grass on the other side of the field, crave for the fatter cow on the other farm, and as a closer-to-life example, fall for someone supposedly better than our current half.

It's very easy to fall in love. The thrill, the novelty, and the bright dawns that the new relationship brings all promise so much fun and goodness.

It's always easier to fall for change, than to stick around and hope for change. 

When your current half does not live up to your expectations, it's so tempting and easy to come across someone else who promises to fill up that void and fulfill your needs.

But falling is addictive... and dangerous.

New grounds are fragile, and not might not hold up well under pressure. And when you keep falling, eventually you will hit the ground hard when no one's there to catch your fall.

That said, there are times when its worthwhile to risk the fall though. But this is another topic for another day, and not at a right time for the author who's sleep-deprived.

Staying in love is hard, but it's definitely something very special.
Not everyone can achieve that, but those who can usually are the happiest and the most contented ones.


To whom it may apply to...

Maybe it was not meant to be, but whatever happens, happens for a reason.
You will emerge stronger from this, and I know you will be much better off.

You deserve better.


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