Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I can read minds...

Or at least the birthday wishes that people have!

Example #1
I was with Jasmine and I had just drove out of the carpark at The Cathay.

Jasmine (after seeing a cab with an advertisement of The Lion King):
Hey I wanna watch the lion king but I heard from my sis that it has ended already.. 

Oh really? Hmmm.. 
(I had already bought tix for the lion king that evening, but it was unknown to her obviously)

Yea... *Pouts*

I then revealed it to her over dinner. Like to think that she was rather thrilled!

Example #2
I was having an imperial dinner with xiuxiu at Sushi Tei (imperial because the bill came up to $110 for the 2 of us) to celebrate her birthday.

Halfway through the dinner, she suddenly told me that she wants to buy a luggage. I swear I nearly choked on my tamago sushi when I heard that. Just a few hours back, I had went shopping for her present and got her the exact gift she wanted - a samsonite luggage!


I think I should be a party planner, or at least for birthdays. =)

Friday, June 24, 2011



讓心又累又茫然 (期望有人陪伴)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More than greenbacks

Sometimes, motivation isn't best served in the form of money.

To quote Bill Gates,

'I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one. And I'm still fanatical, but now I'm a little less fanatical'

If you're interested, here's the entire Bill Gates interview.

Money can motivate you quite a bit, but without passion, you won't be able to go far.
So that explains why we need rewards!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Taking stock

I can't remember the last time I put in so much effort in doing something.
2 weeks of preparation and toil, for an emotional day of joy and tears.
"Delivering Happiness" was the theme, and I'd like to think I managed to do that.

I dont know how I got myself so deeply entrenched.
It doesn't matter how much mileage I clock, I am ultimately still only a by-passer.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Flying off in a day

Not to everyone's beloved NZ, but to Guangzhou.

I feel like i have so many things undone; i'm not looking forward to the trip at all.
Haven't packed, haven't planned anything, I have no inkling of what's the itinerary gonna be like at all.
Guess I'll leave it to my bro and Belinda to work things out.
I'll just be a happy camper.


Been busy with other stuff for the past few days, and I reckon it will remain this way till next week.
Something that I haven't done for such a long time.. The feeling is... indescribable.
And when I look back on past materials, every little thing evokes a totally different emotion.
Now... it just feels surreal.


Okay enough of rubbish.
I'll be back when i have more stuff to talk about.
I've been pretty devoid of emotions lately, which explains the lack of posts as well.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011





