Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Of Enjoyment and Contentment

Time: 230a.m.
Venue: Changi Airport

I came here at 10+pm and am still here.
When it gets too stale at home, or too hot, I get out of the house.
When I can't concentrate or find myself lacking ideas, I go somewhere for fresh air.

Nowadays, my fave hangout seems to be Changi Airport.
Yes, I can work from anywhere as long as I have an internet connection, but I think the airport is probably the best, if not the only place, that has power points and is open so late in the night.

And yup, I go there alone, except once when Mr KY joined me.

The flexibility of doing what I want, not having to report to anyone, and probably most importantly, the freedom of working whenever and wherever I want to.

I don't know how long I'll be doing this, but as unbelievable as it sounds, I actually enjoy what I'm doing now. So while I'm still at it, allow me to say:

I'm lovin' it!


drew said...

wth...u going thru some emo streak?
twilight set it off didn't it...


Anonymous said...

i must agree that airport is a very nice place to be.
be it alone or with friends.
pretty peaceful place actually.

enjoy! ;)

Swee said...

at least ice understands what I mean.. haha

and can you stop bringing twilight up? it wasn't easy getting it out of my mind.