2) I am an attention whore - I like attention and I cannot lie.
3) Express my views and share my thoughts with everyone else.
4) Realise the journalist in me and have my own "publication".
5) Talk about things I would not share with others - a private blog.
6) Let others know what's going on in my life.
7) My own personal space in the virtual world - a virtual retreat.
8) I want to share photos of what I eat with others - E.g. The Best Food Blog in the World.
9) I blog because everyone else is blogging - monkey see monkey do.
The first time I was exposed to blogs was back in secondary school, when I shared a blog with 3 of my friends. The URL was saltypopcorn.blogspot.com but we have since given that up and its now taken up by someone else. That's why I had to make do with my current URL.
Since then, I have blog-hopped quite a bit. The first blog that truly got me started on blogging was one I shared with my other half back then in 2003. I created that with the intention of making it a personal space for us, and it was really the case initially. And then, it gradually evolved into an avenue of expression.
A blog is essentially an extension of yourself in the virtual world. Depending on the purpose it was created for, it could detail how you have grown over the years, and the different priorities at stages of your life.
You can read your archives and realise how stupid and childish your entries were, laugh and reminisce at the good old times, or look on with regret the things you have missed out in the past.
Sometimes, I cringe when I read my old entries. I realise there were quite a few entries made that did not really reflect myself. I do not regret those entries though; it shows me who I was at each stage of my life and what I was thinking when I typed those entries.
I actually think I have quite a good memory. I can always relate an old entry to an image and my thought process back then.
So, why do I blog? I'd say the reasons above all applied at a certain stage, other than point #8.
What's yours?
swee, in ref to point 8, u once blogged about ur fried rice...
oh, and the chicken essence that ur mom cooked for u..
u sounds like andrew
or vice versa.
i have no idea
drew, proves that you're still my most loyal reader! I'm glad PJ's blog hasn't replaced mine.
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