Wake Up Productive - Time Management
I did, and I would like to think it was pretty useful. To quote something from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People:
“Time Management” is actually a misnomer, time passes without regard to what we do. We can never manage it. The only thing we can manage is ourself. But the challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves, hence Self Management.
I know most of you would probably be too busy to check out the video, so being the ever Mr Nice (I have to live up to my name), I shall attempt to sum it up for you.
The video touches on the distractions that you and I are most likely to face or have faced day in, day out. And surprise surprise, one of the biggest distractions mentioned in the video is Multi-tasking.

Multi-tasking? Isn't that supposed to improve efficiency and show everyone just how well your brain can function and do different tasks simultaneously? Of course, a certain extent of multi-tasking is definitely essential, but probably not excessively. Turns out that multi-tasking actually lowers your IQ more than smoking marijuana. Well, not that I truly believe that, but it does make some sense. When you multi-task, you are not doing two things at once, but just switching back and forth.
Ahhh, some vindication for the fact that someone once commented I can't multitask. Phew.
So, focus on just one thing at one time. It is that much more efficient.
Other distractions mentioned in the video include:
- Handphone
- Facebook or (insert-latest-fad-here)
Don't do too many things at one time.
Start a project, finish it, then move on to the next.
Most people give up way too early, usually at the first indication of failure.
Do whatever it takes, however long it takes, till you see the first signs of success.
The video then went on to talk about the techniques to improve focus, and efficiency.
One tip that I find especially useful is "Clean Focus".
Work in focus blocks of uninterrupted time, with a minimum of two hours. During that period, do not allow yourself to be distracted. Sit down, start working, and continue working. Even before this video, I personally find that I'm most productive when I get started on work and block myself out from any external distraction. I'm guessing it should work for you too.
There are other stuff, but I'm not gonna bore you with that. Watch it if you are interested, or you could ask me and I can have the summary sent to you.
Meanwhile, this is what I use for my online persona.

Yes yes the name, I'm not that creative so I decided to go for the name that QY gave me. I think that's how I will look say 30 years down the road!
its common knowledge that girls are better at multi-tasking than guys. so according to what you said, i guess you're indirectly implying that they would have lower IQ then, considering how often they multitask?
Something that has been bugging me: Where is the equilibrium between Efficiency and Quality. Am I living a "quality lifestyle" (work produced in particular) because of all that multi-tasking?
Oh! By the way... I think QY would spell it this way:
The Personal Clown
Drew: I'm almost tempted to say the Y word to your attempted sabotage but no. Haha.
Pat: Depends on what you define quality as really. As long as you're happy, I guess.
Yes Ronnie, but that sounds pretty gay!
i think andrew wants to back him up about the picture being gay.
but my reaction isnt as strong as his.
actually no reaction, but i think the previous pic (i think its the tree) was alot nicer haha
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