Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 4 Hour Work Week

On my Facebook profile, it says that I am reading "The Four Hour Work Week", but I've probably stopped reading that for a few months already.

I actually shared what I thought was an interesting story on the book before. You can read it here.

The book title is kinda misleading and while it is possible to achieve that kind of lifestyle, I think most people would not want that.

I got the book not because I wanted 4-hour working weeks, but it did give me a different perspective on work, and it was a huge depart from the typical person's mindset.

So I was googling for excerpts when I found an interesting response to that book, The Lie of The Four Hour Work Week:

Since work is seen as such a must — something we must do to pay the bills and to survive — we don’t realize that it’s not required that we see work as something other than a chore. Just because we’re born with a bad definition of something doesn’t mean we have to keep it. Work is more than just a chore, at least to me.

Work is sacred.

Read the rest of the entry here.

Anyway, if any of you are interested in the book, I could pass you mine. Or you could try searching for its ebook. Should be easily available on the net.


Ian said...

tell that to the auditors who work 4 hrs OT every night

drew said...

the author makes some pretty good points... then as you scroll to the bottom, you come across this:

Oh and there’s my book, Reclaim Your Dreams, too. That enough?

there's always an agenda eh?

Swee said...

@Dz: if you want more pictures, I can suggest another blog.


@Ian: I know you won't become one.

@Drew: Yup. Affiliate marketing. Haha

DZ said...

swee, i hope the blog add doesnt begin with www.jjj...