Are you someone who brings smiles to people around you or are you one who has a smile affixed the whole time?
I like to be the former, but maybe I am a bit of both, or at least according to my polytechnic lecturer who recognized me as the guy with the perpetual smile.
I think I enjoy making people laugh. Humour, and its different forms - Self deprecatory, satire, conundrum, exaggeration, wordplay, repartee, blah blah...
A friend once commented I have a wry sense of humour, or humour with a twist. I think my brand of humour applies only when I warm up to people, which could take time as I'm a slow cooker (according to Mr Johnson). I don't usually talk much when among relative strangers, it just doesn't work for me. And I sort of reciprocate more when I'm approached; that's when I actually pay attention.
That very much applies to my relationship too. The times when I develop some sort of attraction to the opposite sex (duh), they always happen when I get approached, or rather get paid special attention. Thinking back, I think that is oh so true.. I'm not one who believes in love at first sight, however unromantic that may be. Mine probably looks more like....
Are we only enlightened when we see death in our eyes?
Heard of Randy Pausch before? I hadn't too, until a few days back. He was a dying professor who was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer and had only a few months left to live. He died on July 25th 2008, but not before he had inspired millions with his last lecture.
I took time out and watched this inspirational video about him giving his last lecture and left feeling pretty much overwhelmed by the lessons that lie within his 76 minute speech. Don't hear it from me, because I will not do his awesome speech any justice at all.
See and hear it yourself, and I'm sure you will agree with the simple and yet utterly true issues that he mentioned in his lecture.
I would say the first 30 and last 15 mins hold the gist of the entire video, so you could just view those parts if it does not engage you. Or, you could view the shortened version of the lecture, but it just contains partial excerpts, and not everything.
He talked about our childhood dreams, and if you take some time and reflect upon, I think that is the time when we all really dared to dream big. When you hold no fear, and when you are every bit of an intrepid explorer.
Somehow, I can't help but feel its uncannily similar to the book, The Alchemist, even though I'm only halfway through reading it. They both talk about having dreams when we were young, but somehow when we grow up, the dreams dissipate, dilute, and we are led to believe that the dreams are impractical and impossible.
In the video, Randy shared his childhood dreams with everyone, and how he went about achieving them. He realized most of them, and even for those that got away, he benefited much from the process, something which he defines as the "head fake" in the video.
When Randy Pausch talks about the head fake, he's talking about football. When he was a child, he wanted to play in the NFL. He had other dreams too like being in zero gravity, being like Captain Kirk, winning stuffed animals at the amusement park and being an imagineer at Disney. But, being in football taught him so much more than just the three point stance or how to read a play. Football teaches players things like, "Teamwork, Sportsmanship, Perseverance...etc." That's the head fake. Kids go into something like football because they enjoy it. But, they get out of it life's lessons that they will carry with them once their days of playing football are over.
At the end of the lecture, Pausch posed a final question to the audience.
“Have you figured out the head-fake?” he asked.
A ‘head-fake,’ he explained earlier, occurs when someone is taught a deeper lesson under the pretense of learning something simple — when a high school football player learns determination, teamwork, and perseverance while seeming to learn a proper three-point stance, for instance.
Give up?
“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams,” Pausch said. “It’s about how to lead your life.”
I was impressed by the way he spoke, the insight he provided, and the optimism and mindset he had, even when facing death. He was charismatic and earnest, and I felt it.
To say that was a brilliant lecture would be too massive an understatement. I had noticed the way he spoke too. You do not have to keep speaking to engage the audience. Sometimes, momentary pauses and lowering of tones will do so much more to get your point across.
He shared tons of invaluable advice, and to sum it all up for you:
*Experience is what you get when you didnt get what you wanted.
*Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.
* Loyalty is a two-way street.
* Never give up.
* You get people to help you by telling the truth. Being earnest. I'll take an earnest person over a hip person every day, because hip is short term. Earnest is long term.
* Apologize when you screw up and focus on other people, not on yourself.
* Get a feedback loop and listen to it. ... Anybody can get chewed out. It's the rare person who says, oh my god, you were right. ... When people give you feedback, cherish it and use it.
* Show gratitude.
* Don't complain. Just work harder.
* Be good at something, it makes you valuable.
* Work hard.
* Find the best in everybody. ... No one is all evil. Everybody has a good side; just keep waiting, it will come out.
* And be prepared. Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity.
I'm beginning to take an interest in photography. I think I'll probably get a SLR camera when I have some cash to spend. Haha.
Meanwhile, Genting pics taken from my ever reliable Sony Ericsson K810i.
On the bus to Genting
Knocked out
Yes, that's our colourful hotel
Day 1 was pretty much just loitering around First World and trying our luck (not much) at the casino. The late nights before the trip for many of them and the long bus ride must have drained us all. Only saving grace was, there was a pretty angel (quote Mr Wang) on the same bus as us.
Day 2 - Theme Park
Crazy Brave guy and his ice-cream
What extreme coldness can do to you
Here we go! Earning karma, as KY puts it.
I swear I didn't take this with the couple in mind!
I missed this - I didn't want to be screwed!
Who else has his arms raised?
I'm at the 3rd row from the back
The most exciting ride, according to them
Who needs changing rooms when you have phone booths! 轻轻的我走了/正如我轻轻的来, 我轻轻地招手/作别西天的云彩。 Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky.
Yes, the last caption was because according to those who took that ride, it was so high up that they could get a piece of the clouds and sky. Which brings me back to my faint Chinese Literature roots, and one of the few proses that I still recall.
Where we had our dinner
The boss of the night
Happy birthday to me!
Anyway, when I said I didn't really enjoy the trip, I had meant that Genting in general was not the best place to go. I think ultimately, its draw is still the casino and nothing else there is worth looking forward to. Well, but I guess it's worth it when everyone else seemed to enjoy the trip much.
I did enjoy the fresh air, the carefree life, and the company. Going down to Starbucks at 5am in the morning, surfing the net, chilling out. I prefer overseas trips to be not hectic, and not plagued by fatigue. I find it a chore when I rush around just for the sake of making full use of the limited time there. Do we not go overseas to enjoy ourselves and to break away from the own hectic pace of our society?
Ahhh, one man's freedom is another's imprisonment!
I'm making losses as of now, but I'm optimistic and confident it will get better. I'm looking forward to my first cheque in my mail box and the many more to follow. So it was stated in my account that my cheque had been processed and will be mailed out from the US on 1 Oct.
It's hard work and time consuming, but I'm actually enjoying it. There's nothing more gratifying than seeing my profits increase every time I login to my account. Only thing is, I'm spending waaaay too much on Adwords advertising and its eating into my profits.
So, I've decided to try a different approach, something that probably requires even more time, but at much lower cost. At least, it's my own time and I have the luxury of working from home, in my pyjamas, and not be at the mercy of anyone!
Honestly, I do not know how far this will go, but I think I will give it a fair shot before I give my verdict.
Maybe it will not even take off, maybe it will just be supplementary income, maybe it will churn out huge profits, but just one thing I can be sure though - I will not give it up before pulling out all the stops.
Meanwhile, this serves to spur me on.
I'm back from the dizzying heights of Genting Highlands! And I survived.... the 14 hour bus ride to and fro, the smoke in the casinos, winning chips worth RM950 and then ending up losing close to RM 400 in total.
Well, but considering this is our first trip overseas in a group, anything would be worth it! To be honest, other than for the company, I didn't really enjoy the trip.
Sure, it was definitely euphoric when I saw the roulette spin out my chosen number or the dice roll out to what I had betted on, but it got stale after a while. But then again, if I had been winning, maybe I would be blogging about how wonderful my entire trip was! Haha...
The only other thing worth mentioning would be the visit to the theme park. It was a first for me, and after watching so many movies about theme park rides gone wrong, I had my reservations. I did go for a few rides, but I skipped the really thrilling ones, according to my many good friends who so kindly remind of all the fun I had missed.
Anyway, I don't relish going to Genting anytime again in the near future. At least not on a coach again!
Anyway, to respond to the comments, (in no order of preference)
Pat: Metro??? As in metrosexual?? This must be the first time I'm hearing that! Haha.
Drew: If I were a Pool fan, I would be wildly overjoyed too, considering the success, or rather the lack of it, you guys have had over us since Rafa arrived. But, to give credit where it is due, you guys more than deserved it. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Ter: When I get it working, cos I'm still making losses. I'm staying optimistic though!
wanling: Yeah, I do have much more time, but in all irony, I am hoping for more hours in a day! Maybe it's because I have classes 7 times this week.. In the words of the prof, what an exciting week... I so need the Genting trip this Sunday... =)
Yup, I'll be going to Genting with the guys this Sunday. Our inaugural, record-breaking, earth-shattering, first ever overseas trip together, after what has been more than 10 years. Call it a get-away, a retreat, or even a gambling trip, I'm just glad I'll be out of town, albeit not that far.
Life is topsy turvy nowadays, with my biological clock somewhat screwed. Sleeping at 5+am, waking up at 11am, a total change from the past. Well, I hold dear to the belief, 先苦后甜.
"The only time Success comes before Work is in the dictionary."
Cheesy, but whatever works for you guys. Positive updates soon, hopefully!
I've been busy with my affiliate marketing venture and things just got started a few days back. So far, results have been encouraging but nothing outstanding.
Hopefully, it can just get better!
Meanwhile, I've had a brilliant weekend with meet ups with my former colleagues, poly mates, and the return of EPL!
I realise I get more birthday greetings nowadays, considering the many well wishes that I get from non-human platforms.
The first birthday greeting I got was from NTUC Income, probably to thank me for my monthly contribution to their massive funds. That was an early one week ago.
Next up, was LiNa, the hot babe from JobStreet, who came knocking on my inbox to send me not one, but two birthday wishes.
Dear Swee Wei, We noticed your birthday is coming up on 11 September 2008.
Warmest Birthday Wishes from all of us at! On this occasion, we thank you for being a member of
We wish you great success and happiness for the year ahead.
Have a Wonderful Day, LiNa
Then, this morning I logged into Facebook and saw this greeting on my Wall.
And just a while ago, another birthday greeting arrived in my inbox.
Hello Swee,
We at WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
So my point really is......
Who needs friends when you have people from all around the... virtual world... sending you good wishes?
Haha I'm just kidding!
Nothing beats the personalised and genuine greetings from my loved ones and friends. That personal touch is something you can't get from the virtual world...
It's priceless...
Thanks to all for the well wishes! Much appreciated... ;)
Happy birthday to myself...
Monday, September 8, 2008
The following may contain disturbing images so readers are advised to view at the risk of their possible appetite...
Notice the gum?
Never knew my teeth looked so good
The drilling, prying, chiselling, that happened in my mouth felt kinda weird cos I wasn't able to feel a thing at all during the operation.
In fact, I was trying to see what the dentist was doing but he actually told me to close my eyes at certain points. I wonder if he was afraid that the blood would be too gory for me and I would pass out or he was just not used to his patient staring at him with eyes wide open (I try to...).
In the end, it took longer than I expected. My left tooth refused to budge and I was starting to fear that he would give up and just leave it hanging already. Haha.
You can imagine my relief when I finally saw him fish out a tooth drained in blood and place it on his tray.
On a happier note, the results of my preparatory course were out today.
But then again, my face could hardly work out a smile with those bloated cheeks. Ouch.
Everyone who goes to the beach frequently should get a hammock. It's fuss-free and seriously its good stuff...
A day by the beach, letting the sea breeze blow away your worries, looking up into the clear blue sky while lying in your hammock... ahhh life's good...
I think the beach is one of my most frequent hangouts. Beats shopping anytime.
Lay a whisper on my pillow Leave the winter on the ground I wake up lonely, is there a silence In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now, I close my eyes And dream away...
It must have been love, but it's over now It must have been good, but I lost it somehow It must have been love, but it's over now From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Make believing we're together That I'm sheltered by your heart But in and outside I turn to water Like a teardrop in your palm
And it's a hard winter's day I dream away...
It must have been love, but it's over now It was all that I wanted, now I'm living without It must have been love, but it's over now It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows
Men tend to wind up with life partners who look like their mother, while a woman is lured to a partner who looks like her father, scientists reported on Wednesday.
Heterosexuals are deeply attracted to individuals whose faces are similar to that of their opposite-sex parent, they said, suggesting that this characteristic is rooted in an evolutionary drive.
The researchers found a significant correlation in facial similarities between a woman's mate and her father, and also between a man's partner and his mother.
Interestingly, men and women focused on different parts of the face when they home in on a potential mate, they found.
A man's lover and his mother tended to have similar fullness in the lips, width of mouth, as well as length and width of jaw.
But for women, the critical features were the distance between mouth and brow, the height of the face, distance between the eyes and the size of a man's nose.
Met up with my colleagues today and as usual, the topic revolved much about the company and how did I manage to survive a year there.
Well, it wasn't easy, and I'm glad I survived. I know many of you will say it's the same everywhere else, but trust me, it's NOT. You just know it's not the same when every of your colleague, agrees on that too. Anyway, that episode has passed and I'd like to say I learnt quite a bit from my ordeal there. Human nature, office politics, diplomacy, reality and the like. At least, it can only get better from now on. =)
It's been a good two weeks since my last exam and a good two weeks of rest too. I reckon I've had enough of a rest.
Time to try out something new. And I'm looking forward to what lies ahead.