Monday, August 31, 2009

I should start charging for my posts...


Because my friend actually referenced one of my blog entries, "I think you can't..." to serve as inspiration for her friend.


Anyway, to all the teachers I know...


Saturday, August 29, 2009


We all have different thinking, and we also differ in the extent to which we rack our brains and kill our brain cells.

Some of us think too much (yes think too much), some are lazy to think, some do not think, some think they do not need to think, and some do not think they need to think.

Sometimes you think for yourself, sometimes you think for others.. depending on how much you put others before yourself.

What do I think?

I think Man is forced by circumstances. When our backs are against the wall, we have no other way but to move forward. And when we have only one route out, there can only be one outcome.

The power of the mind is incredible, if you know how to maximize your potential.

Thinking is hard.

And at 535am, it gets even harder.

Friday, August 28, 2009

You'll love these...

Why do I not see such creative ads in Singapore?

Monday, August 24, 2009

I really should.. sleeping already because I wanted to go to the office early tomorrow but since I am in the mood to write, screw sleep for now.

I have quite a few things to write about so, pardon me if they are totally unrelated to one another. I just wanna write it down before I get hit by writer's block.

As I wrote in my previous entry a few days back, I am currently in a stage of limbo because the Big G so kindly decided to ban me altogether. As a result, I am now forced to diversify and am now picking up things that are totally new to me. And because I know shit about this new ground, I can't really go full speed ahead.

Knowing myself, I am someone who takes pretty high risks and can be quite impatient when it comes to getting results. (But recently, I realized there might be someone who knows myself better than I do.)

So because of this impatience, I can sometimes find myself making losses in the hundreds or thousands a day. Ouch ouch! And because this is just a number I see on the screen, sometimes I do not feel the pain immediately. That is when it gets really scary because I could continue making the same mistakes again and again if I don't learn fast enough.

Affiliate marketing is the business of spending money to make money, or at least according to me. I could be mentioning revenues of huge figures throughout, but the expenses are very high too. Net profit, and not revenue, is what matters ultimately in the end.

I mentioned before in one of my earlier posts that even though I was having it good back then, I felt there was still something lacking. I thought about it, and I think I've got the answer to that -

Someone to share my joy with.

Yes there is my family, and they definitely can share the joy with me. They are the ones who have always been around, and are the ones who would derive delight in my success for sure.

But, what was sorely lacking is a person whom I could talk about what I'm doing, and someone who would understand it too.

You know sometimes you can work your socks off and still feel energized because you've got a partner? It could be a working partner, or even a soul mate, as long as it's someone who understands what you're doing, it just makes work that much more enjoyable, and maybe bearable in some instances.

Call it synergy, call it company, but that was what I think was absent then and still is now.

Okay I feel better now after writing it out.

Hang in there! A little pain and sacrifice in the short run in exchange for something that will make it worth the while in the long run.


Second thought.

Today, I had a chat with someone whom I've not talked to in like a good few months. Someone whom I've always had a soft spot for. (I just googled 'soft spot' and I realize there could be a few definitions). And while the chat wasn't exactly long, I'm pretty happy to hear that things seem to be going well for her now.


Third thought.

Happy day Mr. X! Stop being emo and start living life again. I know it's hard to get out of it, but if you're the one who's refusing to move, you will never get out. Often the best advice is always the harshest, and if it seems that we are the bad guys, so be it.


Okay that's a total of 3 posts in a night. Ahh so much writing has made me feel hungry again, even though I had mee bandung a few hours ago. Haha.

Have a good week ahead everyone!

You Think, Therefore You Are

I was browsing through the list of subscribed blogs on my RSS reader when I came across this interesting entry, The Thermostat & The Hole.

Some excerpts:

Being an affiliate marketer you might be experiencing some of these thoughts yourself. Shocked, excited, and or anxious and nervous that it won’t last so you are spending it like a little kid in a candy shop – scooping up all the candy you can carry home. Who can blame you? It’s new and it feels good to show off in front of your buddy what you have created for yourself.

Back to the lottery winners who in a short amount of time go right back to an empty bank account. I now know that the reason this happens is that what is believed in our unconscious is what will determine our circumstance.

Additionally what is also interesting is that in spite of the money and any new found bling -we might find that we feel empty inside. You hear about it all the time someone buys a hot new car and has a fab new apartment and yet they still don’t feel good about themselves. So they keep numbing out either with shopping, food, drink, drugs and/or sex.

I felt there were a few points in the entry that I could actually relate to, and hence the purpose of me posting it here.

Let me know if there is anything at all in the entry that you can relate to as well (even if its the numbing with sex part). =)

Some pics

Cos I got too free in the office...

Cos I like the girls in GI Joe. =)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's a fad, Swee

"I know you too well, that's why I say it will be a fad."

I almost flipped when I heard that from my friend, after I told him I went to work at my office that day.

Someone pass me a knife.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Updatety Update

On the very day that I decided to defer my studies, I returned home to an immense rude shock.

I got an email saying that I've been banned from the biggest advertising search engine, and basically none of my ads would run anymore. Considering that was my only source of traffic, and hence my only source of income, that was a very tight slap.

And coming at a time after I decided to focus on work instead of studies...


I was in limbo for the past few weeks, and I would be the first to admit that I was very much affected by the ban. The post-breakup blues was so bad, I had supper everyday! (Okay almost..)

I think I've become kinda freaky nowadays; I get kinda frustrated with myself when I don't find myself working hard and being productive, even if it's a few days.

Okay actually I did do something during this enforced period of no-work-done:

Retail Therapy! (damn that sounds.. girly).

I bought curtains, shirts, pants, shorts, ice cream, and a whole lot of other stuff that I usually would not buy. I haven't felt the need to shop for clothes much ever since I became a swinging bachelor, so it was sort of a minor wardrobe refurbishment. Haha.

I've never understood why girls like to shop so much, but after I splurged on a few mini shopping sprees, I think I do better now. Like what I tell my mum, 买到很爽!

But perhaps the most radical thing I have done is to get my own office. It's just a small service office in Peninsular Plaza, with my desk and nothing else. I started using the office on Thurs and in the 2 days, I got 4 visitors! Haha so if you happen to drop by the area, and you're curious, you're welcome to drop by my humble abode. =)

And to finish up my series of updatety updates, I registered my own company, Clixx Solutions.
How does it sound? I guess perception varies, especially depending on how corrupted your mind is.

Enough of rest. Time to get back to work again Swee.

It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get up that matters...

Alright, enough words for now. Sorry DZ, another long post. You can get Drew to summarize it for you.

Gone for a evening jog!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 4 Hour Work Week

On my Facebook profile, it says that I am reading "The Four Hour Work Week", but I've probably stopped reading that for a few months already.

I actually shared what I thought was an interesting story on the book before. You can read it here.

The book title is kinda misleading and while it is possible to achieve that kind of lifestyle, I think most people would not want that.

I got the book not because I wanted 4-hour working weeks, but it did give me a different perspective on work, and it was a huge depart from the typical person's mindset.

So I was googling for excerpts when I found an interesting response to that book, The Lie of The Four Hour Work Week:

Since work is seen as such a must — something we must do to pay the bills and to survive — we don’t realize that it’s not required that we see work as something other than a chore. Just because we’re born with a bad definition of something doesn’t mean we have to keep it. Work is more than just a chore, at least to me.

Work is sacred.

Read the rest of the entry here.

Anyway, if any of you are interested in the book, I could pass you mine. Or you could try searching for its ebook. Should be easily available on the net.

Killed by expectations

Expectation is the root of all evil.

When a friendship is so transient and unilateral, it becomes insignificant. Almost.
When a friendship is built on exploitation, it becomes worthless. Gradually.
When a friendship is built on sand, it gets washed away when the tide comes. Instantly.

Do expectations kill, or should one kill his/her expectations?

My fave hangouts

Gloria Jeans - Changi Airport T2
(We're in this together...)

Lazy to rotate pic

Specially for me (I'd like to think!)


Still happy

Bemused + Amused + Bewildered + HUH?!
(Photo of the night)

Photos courtesy of Alvin's DSLR. He had a trigger-happy time that night at the airport while I tried hard to share with Ian the fundamentals of affiliate marketing. KY was also there, to make up for what was an unusually crowded night at Gloria Jeans, Changi Airport T2.

I do not mind working alone at the airport but in an ideal world, I would prefer to have someone working beside me. Butttttt, I figure that is a pretty unlikely prospect now and anytime soon though... Yawns.

Bedok Cage

Team shot

Serious shot FAIL

Those are silver trophies =)


We participated in a soccer competition last Sunday and surprise surprise, we actually got 2nd!
Never were we ever close to winning any silverware before, so to win something this time round was a huge huge surprise.

I have taken part in quite a few competitions in the past and I think the only thing I have ever won is.... a single football game. And at the ripe old age of 24 (soon), I don't think we'll be joining many more competitions in the future so that makes this victory all the more cherishable.

Besides the pivotal contribution of each member of the team, I would like to think that our team name played a very big role too. With a team name like "Huat Ah", it was pretty evident we were praying for divine help in the team's fortunes.

I'm glad Lady Luck responded positively, as we "cheated death" in a couple of games en route to the final. To be honest, all of us didn't expect to advance far in the competition so every additional game was just a bonus to us. But as we won each passing game, the confidence in us grew and after 5 gruelling games, we got to the final! Okay we got thrashed in that game, but I guess no one was upset over that. Haha.

Good job guys!