Friday, August 29, 2008

Why the World Does Not Need Superman (or does it?)

Why The World Doesn’t Need Superman

- By Lois Lane

Metropolis. For five long years the world has stared into the sky, waiting, hoping and praying for his return. We’ve spent our days asking where he went, debating why he left and wondered is he even alive. Perhaps he left us for another world, a world in peril, a world in greater need of a saviour. Is it selfish desire him for ourselves? Are we expected to share the man we’ve come to love or did we do something wrong?

Did we take him for granted? Perhaps we did. Maybe we all did, it's not our fault. We are far from super. Yet a mother will accept her children regardless of their misfortunes. Why have you rejected us for ours? Perhaps we’re a lost cause unworthy of help and doomed to continue on a path of self-destruction. He has moved on, helping others with a foreseeable future of peace and harmony.

From the first day he mysteriously appeared we were enamoured. He seemed too good to be true. A man who could fly, see through walls, bend steel with his bare hands. A man who never lied. A man who could do anything he wanted to yet he chose to be a hero. He chose to fight for truth, justice and the American way, And we chose to believe. we put our faith, not in the hands of God, but in the hands of another Lives were not saved by any kind of divine intervention, miracle or act of God. they were saved by one man, and one man only, our Superman. We didn’t question his intentions and other than a few basic facts we didn't question his unbelievable origins. When did he actually arrive? Where did he live? Where did he get that suit? It didn't matter. He was good, and good for us and that was enough.

A new generation of children have grown up idolising this hero, proud to wear a cape and run around the family home. We welcome Superman into our homes and family. He was a quintessential American. A role model for our children and the guardian of their lives. Does a hero walk out on his family? Walk away from his children? After letting us place our hopes on him, his disappearance must be seen nothing short of abandonment. A dereliction of duty. No better that a parent abandoning a child, a doctor walking out on their patient. We must ask our selves if Superman returned would we welcome him back? Could he heal the scars he left behind? The city is in pain, its citizens angry, hurt and unforgiving. We have learned from our bad judgement, and we are not prepared to make the same mistake again.

It would take more than one man to reunite the people. He is lost our trust, he betrayed us. He turned his us back on us and walked away. We would have to question his motives for his return. Why after all this time he would return? From the very beginning we labelled him as a man. We even used the word it his titled - Superman.

Yet he was not a man. He was not even human. We expected an alien to share the same feelings, emotions, beliefs and principles. Were the words truth and justice a second language to him? Perhaps, we were fools to believe he would understand the true meaning of words such as trust, loyalty or love.

What is a hero anyway? Does one has to have superpowers, special abilities or incredible talent to be a considerable one? Well that's what we’ve been led to believe. Superman led us to forget our real heroes. What happened to the firemen, policemen, teachers, social workers or local figure that used to be considered a hero in our communities?

Each and every day of the year, firemen come to the rescue of those in need. They are brave woman and men who serve communities with courage and uncompromising devotion to humanity. These people are not just doing their job, they are the heroes who take each task to heart and each life saved is a victory for their team. Because of their selfless bravery and heroism, many fire-fighters sacrifice their own lives to save others every day. Their actions will never been forgotten.

In cities, towns and villages around the world, legions of teachers spend every day protecting the minds, souls and spirits of children. They commit their lives to the development of the world’s most precious resource. A child's mind thirsts for knowledge. It is this knowledge, the knowledge imparted to the youth that has given rise to the great man and women of history. Knowledge gave birth civilisations and is the foundation of nations including America. Teachers strive daily with little recognition to help each child become the best they can. Teachers are heroes, our future lies in their hands. These are examples of every day men and women. Men and women who are heroes.

Superman was not just a hero. Superman was a superhero. Why isn’t he living up to his name? He was so much more that a mere mortal. Imagine a future with this superhero. A future that was stolen from us. The world welcomed Superman with open arms and why wouldn't we? Day after day we saw the effect he was having. Crime plummeted, natural disasters were prevented, the impossible became possible. What was more remarkable and often overlooked, was that he wasn't just saving peoples lives, he was changing them.

He gave us hope, he set an example and over the years we started following that example whether we realised it or not. Wars stopped, all political, religious feuds set aside, even volunteering and charitable donations increased. For the first time in history we saw the closest thing mankind could call peace. And to think it took an alien to show us what it meant to be human. Unfortunately the one thing that reduces a miracle to the mundane is a world full of them. Once everything is special, nothing is special. In a world where he would suddenly appear to save someone from a fire or divert a flood, there were no miracles. We stopped looking both ways to cross the street. We didn't have to because if a car was about to hit us odds were that he would zip at the last moment and save us. Soon we didn't even remember how to look both ways. We lost our survival instincts. We became careless, which wouldn't have really been a problem, but then he left.

Just as mysteriously he appeared he was gone, without warning, without explanation. We looked to the sky and for the first time in years no one was there. Some panicked thinking the worst had finally come to pass and someone has finally discover a weakness and exploited it. Others held steadfast believing that his sudden absence must have a logical explanation. Perhaps this was a test. Maybe he was watching from above and gauging our reaction. Hundreds, if not thousands of ideas and theories sprang from every expert and government official but no answer could satisfy us. Maybe there was no answer. Maybe he’s just…gone.

In fact maybe it’s better that he is gone. How can we be expected to appreciate the good without the bad? Through suffering do we not gain strength? Having relied on an almost omnipotent saviour for years, we’ve forgotten how to rely on ourselves. He gave us strength, but with it, weakness. In his absence, we must learn to unite and find strength in one another. We must look not to the skies, instead we must look inside ourselves to find trust, love and friendship for one another. Peace is our champion, not a Man of Steel. Alas crime has skyrocketed, stocks plummeted and old wars have been rekindled. The peace he inspired over the years, seemed to end overnight, replaced by fear,, confusion and betrayal. Even worse problems once held by our own, now seem insurmountable without his help.

It is one year today that we witnessed one of the worst train disaster in recent history. Among the 236 dead, were 28 school children and a pregnant mother. The nation's press release said that all that was left was a mangled mess of metal and bodies. Recovery workers and civilians united and worked around the clock, in the hope of finding just one survivor, if any. But hope was given up, when 12 hours later they could raise no sound. The train left a huge gorge in the suburban landscape where now stands a tribute to those who died in the wreckage. Among those attending today’s memorial service, is the husband and father of a deceased mother and their unborn child. To this day he is haunted by the memories of the past. Through his suffering he speaks the voice of many Americans: How could he let this happen? Curse you Superman...

These words echo amongst the people, reaching the far corners of the globe. In five years we have seen the oceans rise and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children throughout Asia. We have seen civil wars destroy cities throughout the world and religious feuds wipe our nations. Let the colour of Superman’s cape remind us of the innocent people who have died for it is their blood that is on his hands.

In the past we have turned to God, in times of need we prayed. For five years we have prayed for you Superman, “please bring back our Messiah.” The nation knelt before the alter and begged for your return. We were blinded by your arrival, our faith misguided. For many of us, Superman became our God. We only had to read the motto on our nations currency to be reminded of the truth – In God We Trust.

These words passed between our hands countless times a day, yet we still managed to forget. We put our trust, not in God, but in Superman – In Superman We Trust. We trusted you, we all trusted you…I trusted you. Does he feel remorse, guilt or shame? Does he simply not care? Perhaps the people of Earth are but a distant memory, a single snapshot lost in a mind that is timeless.

Does he cry for the children who have died on his watch? Perhaps he really is a Man of Steel – cold, emotionless and hardened by his own immortality. Would he say sorry?

Ultimately we are better off without him. It is true, we will come to endure hardship in his absence. We will see more famine, environmental disasters, crime, wars and bloodshed. But what is also true, is that the people of America will always, without falter, and without abandoning their posts, continue to strive for truth, justice and the American way.

Leaving the fate of humanity in the hands of one man would have been a terrible mistake. If we don’t learn to settle our grievances on our own we are doomed anyway. We became dependent on someone unreliable, in fact he did us a favour by leaving. Now we can learn to fend for ourselves, learn to work out our differences regardless of whether they are based on race, creed, gender or political view.

Ultimately we will unite and establish peace around the globe. If Superman had stayed we would never accomplish this. Under the surface there would have remained traces of a corrupt society, a seed that would grow if it wasn’t for Superman’s cape blocking the sunlight. Now that he is gone, the seed is left to grow, yet there is hope. For like a rose, we always see the thorns before the flower. We will blossom and when we do, we will have done it alone, we will have a world united.

People have always longed for God, messiahs and saviours to swoop down from the sky and deliver them from their troubles but in the end these saviours always leave and we are faced with the same troubles that were here from the beginning. We wait for our saviour’s return though it will never happen and we realise it was better had he never come at all.

Source: Why the World Does Not Need Superman


I caught Superman Returns on HBO for the second time and was deeply intrigued by the article that won Lois Lane the Pulitzer Prize - Why the World doesn't need Superman.
And being the perfect geek, I googled that and chanced upon this excellent piece of writing above. I tried to find the original article and this is probably the closest one.

I know its very lengthy but it's a good read.

For those who have not watched the movie before, this article was written by Lois Lane, after Superman abandoned everything and disappeared into oblivion. He left, the world and his love alike, without a word. That prompted her to come up with this award winning article on why the world really, doesnt need Superman (in a fit of pique likely).

Do spend some time reading it and feel free to share your thoughts.
Like all superhero stories, they are probably written with escapism, and realism as the reigning thoughts.

Do we humans all turn to the supernatural or a religion when there are things beyond our control? Is that the convenient way out of seeking asylum and yet appearing sane to our peers?

This time round, all comments are most welcome. =)

This entry you see...

...was posted by my newly acquired Fujitsu Lifebook!
I feel... empowered... =)

Zipped down to Suntec with Ch on the first day of Comex and made myself $1498 poorer.

Why that anxious?
Because I had waited forever for this IT fair to come, and I didnt want to grind with the rest of Singapore over the weekend. Come to think of it, I think I wouldn't mind if everyone were to be dressed like the Comex babes..

Source: Hardwarezone. (Not my own camera)

Anyway, for those who are interested, the specs as follows:

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz
Windows Vista Home Premium
14.1" Screen
1.3 MP Camera
Approx. 2.2kg

Freebies include a laptop bag (isn't that a given?), 4gb thumbdrive, 3 yr warranty, and an optical mouse.

Disclaimer: Positive feedback in regards to the excellence of the deal are most welcome.
All other negative and derogatory remarks will simply NOT be entertained.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I think I can't be a bummer, or at least not one for long. I must admit it does feel very good to have so much time for myself though.

Watching the Olympics or whatever's on tv, make a coffee and enjoy some reading, whip up a meal (albeit only once).... the pace of life just slows down, and a radical change from what was the hectic schedule I had not too long ago.

A few things coming up in the next month or so:

  1. Comex 2008
  2. Nike 10K Run
  3. Wisdom Tooth Op
  4. School reopening
  5. Genting trip
Until then, I think I will be pretty much slack...

Wake me up when September ends.. =)

Monday, August 25, 2008


If you do not know the whole story behind PostSecret, watch this.

PostSecret Mini-Movie

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A chef in the making...

What do you do when Mum's out and won't be back home in time to cook dinner?

You take over the mantle.... and the apron... and volunteer to cook for the whole family!

So I had my virgin attempt at cooking a meal by myself, and without any hands on help.
And what other dish to try on my first attempt than the idiot-proof and ever so delicious fried rice..
Thank god I didn't fare too badly!

I went to the Internet, scoured for the best fried rice recipes, mixed and matched the good stuff from each, and then got my hands down and dirty.

And the end result?

One word...


Actually, I thought it could have been better but I guess I'm contented when Mum said I passed the test. Somehow, not one of them believed me when I tell them I'm cooking and tell them to come home for dinner.

The verdict?
I shall try fried mee next... =))

If swee can cook, so can you!

Friday, August 22, 2008


I realise Fridays do not matter so much now that I'm not working. Well, I'm kinda enjoying my little break and hiatus here. Exams ended on Wed and I guess I'm not used to having so much time at hand, even though its only been a day of really idling around. Sorry if I made any of you jealous!

Like I told my friend, I ought to plan what I have to catch up on and do stuff that I couldn't afford to while at my job. The school term starts on 15 Sept, which means I have a nice 3 week holiday to look forward to. Ahhh don't you feel happy for me already? Haha..

Woke up early at 8 this morning and went for a jog. A rain-drenched one, that is. I thought it was pretty cooling to let rain... hmmm... rain on me though. Must have been a while since I last jogged because my stamina sucked and I couldn't even last the usual distance. And with my impending IPPT and Nike 10K run, it ain't too good news!

I reckoned I must have did too many chin-ups at home and my left shoulder is feeling rather peeved. So much so that he decided to go on strike and slide out of its usual position and leave the owner with that all too familiar agony. Ouch.

Good thing though that the strike was only a very brief one.

A shoulder dislocation, after what has been a rather peaceful few months. Please be good and stay in your faithful position while during soccer tomorrow alright?


On another note, I finally found time and went for my first visit to the dentist voluntarily. Voluntarily because all those visits to the school dentist and SAF medical centre are not in the same category.

The result? I am going to have my wisdom extracted from me on 8th Sept. Two of my pearly whites at that too, one on either side.

Ouch. Again.

I must be really lucky or the dentist is a real good capitalist because he sure made it sound like I needa get it sorted out in the next one to two weeks. The first thing he asked me was whether I had finished NS and said I really should have done it during my NS time and save on the fees. Haha. Damn.


I think it's been a while since I last wrote about my life and the daily happenings.
Too much free time. =)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Of nicks, names and characters

I realise I've been likened to many characters, but somehow, none of them falls into the dashing or glamourous category you see in movies and stuff.

To let you in on some of the names/nicknames that I've been associated with...
(In chronological order)

Lemon Tree
Chubby Hubby
Personal Clown (cue Qinying)
Breadman (面包超人)
An Pan (Some bread in BreadTalk with the face of a chubby-cheeked man)

Alright, just about the list of names I could still remember, or rather choose to remember still.. And so you probably notice how the names are all kinda linked to my irrepressible cheeks...


If there is an emoticon, it would probably look something like the one above.. haha..

I seriously do not know how did "Lemon Tree" come about, but my primary school friends who gifted me that told me it was because I kept humming that song back then, something which I have no recollection whatsoever.

A few of the names hold significant meaning; while a few just brings a smile to me..
Talking about smiles, I do have something to write about on that.. Later perhaps. =)

Monday, August 18, 2008


An Olympics medal after 48 years!
Rejoice Singaporeans!

I think it's really good for us that we have achieved this feat.
The strength of a nation is usually reflected on the sporting stage as well and its a way of telling the rest of the world that we have arrived, if they do not already know.

You just have to feel proud when you see your nation's flag flying high in an Olympics final. Yup, they are foreign imports no doubt, but at least they played their hearts out for their adopted nation.

I know it sounds somewhat contradictory to what I had mentioned in an earlier post but let's face it, it would probably take a few decades for us to groom someone of that calibre, judging by our limited population.


That is why the PM is asking us to marry earlier and have more children. Will everyone please respond to the nation's call and do the right thing?

Me? I think when I start a family, I will at least have 2 kids. Being the only child in a family will only make growing up so lonely and boring. Having a playmate, someone to share your stuff with, a bro or sister to quarrel your way through, all these make up for precious memories...
Absolutely priceless.

I think I would have liked to have a sister but it was not to be. My parents had wanted that too but somehow when one and one adds up, only my two brothers and I are produced. Haha. I'm not complaining but the thought of having a sister to care for would be nice.

Alright, time to get back to the books.. One more paper to go on Wed and I'm done!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Whenever I hear this song, I always have to hear it twice.
The melody is just so lovely..

And I really like the female lead in the movie.
My type, I like.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Some say love... is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed

Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you it's only seed

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Phrase A Week

As easy as pie


Very easy.

Hopefully, my coming exams will be as easy as pie. =)

It all starts tomorrow, and ends Wednesday.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Choosing between.. (Part II)

The sequel has taken much time but here it is finally..
If you had missed the opening part of the trilogy (yes there will be a third episode), you can read it here.
Read: Choosing Between... Part I

So, it has been almost 6 months but the saga ceases to end.
I was lucky enough to catch up with Lucky, as he let me in on his enviable, or maybe unfortunate predicament. Allow me to re-introduce you to the characters involved as the story plot deepens...

Background (Updated):
Lucky now has 2 girls so besotted with him that they are willing to stay in it, even though they know of each other's existence. The fact that they are classmates just makes the whole situation even trickier. You can say Lucky is well... erm lucky... to have the company of two girls but it is proving to be too much of a good thing for him.

A typical week has to be shared with the 2 gals as each vie for his attention and time.
Odds days of the week are dedicated to Bubbly while Pretty gets to meet him on the even days. Sundays are his "off" days but even then, those are pretty susceptible as well.

In fact, it has become so serious that the three of them had already met up before to discuss the whole situation. Now you know how they decided on the days of the week.

Situation (Updated):
The love triangle threatens to get even more complex with each passing day. Lucky is still faced with the same decision 6 months on - Choosing the right girl.

Whatever decision he comes up with, one of them would end up getting really hurt. The prolonged period of company with either girls has helped him to understand each better, but that has only served to make his decision even more difficult.

To say that he is torn between the two would be a serious understatement. The more he thinks about it, the more weight he seems to put on. Stress does not always slim you down, as he has so proved.

Lead Actress 1 (Bubbly):
Bubbly remains as chirpy as ever, the very traits that has Lucky so drawn to her. It appears that the uncanny resemblance to Lucky's ex-girlfriend has become even clearer as she grows horizontally, under his extreme good care.

The way Lucky and Bubbly behave in each other's presence seems like they have been together for years. The rapport the two of them has, it's just incredible.

But, the fear that he has had since Day 1 still holds. And the fact that she is getting more and more alike, both physically and behaviorally, means his fear could well turn out to be founded.

Will familiarity truly breed contempt?
Or will a hesitance to change for something novel prevail?

Lead Actress 2 (Pretty):
Pretty, on the other hand, looks like she has suffered much from the ordeal. She looks a shadow of her former self, with "haggard" probably being a more appropriate adjective now.

They say guys tend to care much less about their appearances once they have hitched a lady, but it seems like the lady is the one who doesn't care much in this case. Or maybe she just feels so comfortable and safe in Lucky's arms that all the dolling up and grooming does not apply to her anymore.

Previous incompatibility issues with Lucky have now been ironed out and Lucky now has her twirled around his little finger. They say the way to a guy's heart is through his stomach, but with Lucky having such a big and impenetrable one, she probably found another way to get around it - His mum that is.

Lucky's mum now seems to take a liking for Pretty more. Her pleasant demeanor, thoughtful actions, and the fact that she always brings gifts when she drops by at Lucky's house, means she now has his mum twirled around her pinkie. Ahhh, the power of parental approval, smart girl she is!


So, what do you think would be his choice?
Personally, I think he has already made his choice, he just hasn't gotten over the hurdle of being the ruthless guy and breaking one's heart.

In my own words...
It's better to enter someone's life, mess it up, and leave quickly than to
enter someone's life, mess it up, stay around, mess up even more, and refuse to leave.
Ahh, why does it sound so familiar? =(

Dude, I feel for you, but there comes a time when you have to be ruthless. Better it be now than later.

Well I'd rather you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I'd rather take a blow at least then I would know
But baby don't you break my heart slow

Disclaimer: In the case that there are still some who refuse to believe, the blog owner hereby reiterates that the above story is in no way related to him.
He is just, a lonesome guy...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

范逸臣 - 除此之外

Say goodnight晚安
Close your eyes, be quiet

I hope to stay for a while

除此之外 要你明白

除此之外 非常遗憾
And if you need somebody

So Goodbye晚安
It’s alright,I’m fine
看起来 这故事会写不完

I’m gonna stay for a while

Saturday, August 9, 2008



How my former office looks like now


Supper in the west.
It was the inaugural Olympics in China and it was also fitting that we met up for supper for like the first time in 5 to 6 yrs.

Even though supper turned out to be really short, I thought it was pretty good.
Good times are always too short anyway. Next time, we needa have more drivers please. Not very advisable to ask an easterner to drive 6 ppl around in a place that looks so alien to him. Sorry but I'm really a road idiot. Haha. I so need a GPS device.

Oooh his rippling muscles

For the chubby faces who like it blur

Me, Vivi, Johnson

Told ya that guy doesnt knw how to take photographs


Pain is temporary,
A decision is brusque,
Indecision is forever...




I'm disgusted with myself.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Glory or Honour - What gives?

Foreign talent - A term frequently used by the government in so many of their campaigns and I think it has been fully exemplified in every sense of the word, with the Olympics probably being an excellent example.

A few days ago, I read in the papers about how a former S'pore athlete talked about how sports in the past was all about passion, and love, never about the monetary incentives.

I think it's inevitable that money has crept into the game, and in doing so, it improved the standards too. Sporting events have become so monetized that every country so badly wants to get a share of it. Sponsorships, endorsements, incentives, bonuses, ads, and the list just goes on.

150,000 pounds a week for playing the world's favourite sport. I would want that! That amount is really... gross. And when you read about how footballers are still asking for bigger pay packages and sulking like spoilt brats, it just disgusts me.

At the end of the day, Sports has somewhat fallen into a grey area - A passion, or an occupation? I definitely am of the opinion that to see improvement in every area, we need to treat it like a profession, and thus the salaries and bonuses.

But, what is the fundamental principle that reigns now, the big bucks, or as unlikely it may be, passion?

This really brings me to my point. And it's also quite apt that I choose to bring this up on the eve of our nation's 43rd birthday. In the pursuit of sporting glory, our country has done well and scoured globally for foreign talent. Yes, our standards have definitely risen, but have our national values taken a sidestep in the process?

Let's just take a look at the two sports that I hold close to my heart, table tennis and soccer. In the much hyped football friendly against Brazil a few weeks back, if you have not been following the local football scene, you would be shocked to see the number of foreign players in our team. It must have been an excellent opportunity for others to truly understand cosmopolitanism at its best.

Don't doubt my loyalty though. When I watch our nation compete, I am truly a fan. It does not matter who is playing but when I see the nation's flag flying, it does give me a sense of pride. I cheer with every point won, and I despair with every one lost.

But, I do wonder if it would make any difference, if certain things change. I believe we have read in the papers too about unfair remarks made by other countries in regards to our sporting lineups.

Our country is small, resources are limited, population is meagre, but I am proud to say that we have made it that far and at such great success too.
While we all agree that the world is shrinking and it was recently proved that we are all within six degrees of separation, there are some aspects that do not apply.

Glory or Honour?

What do you think?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's official...

I'm a certified geek.

Google Advertising Professional

In layman terms, it also means that Google thinks I'm pretty adept to help others advertise on its search engine.

So, if you would like to advertise anything on Google or have friends who would like to do so, I am willing to help.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Golden oldies

You know there are just some songs that strike a chord with you.
These are the songs that give you the goose bumps and for me, these songs are usually the classic oldies.

Just like this one:






The first time I heard this song was way back in primary school. Seems the songs back then are still the ones that have remained etched till now. It's really a pity that Sammi is no longer singing.

And it was totally by chance that this song resurfaced. Many saturday nights ago, I was switching through TV channels when I heard it on Chan 8. I can't remember the title of the movie, but here's it on Youtube.

鄭秀文 - 不拖不欠

IMO, the Canto version is much nicer, even though I can't make head or tail out of the lyrics. I've got both the chinese and canto versions in my playlist so you can judge for yourself.

And before I forget, special thanks to the special someone who sent me this song.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I'm a free man! As an ingenious friend of mine so aptly texted me:

Hey, go take a look at your IC. Under the status, it should not be saying Single.. It should be saying... Free man.

Not that I know our ICs actually show our marital status but yeah, I thought it was pretty creative. Haha.

As with all other countdowns, all that wait before this day finally came made it a bit of an anti-climax. I wasn't expecting anything special but I actually felt neutral about the entire episode.

Source: Be Free by pincel3d

Shit. I seriously think I'm becoming more and more devoid of emotion by the day.

It probably sounds stupid but the one simple thing that I so looked forward to on the day I quit my job was to have a night of undisturbed and pleasant sleep. I would be able to wake up without the help annoyance of my alarm and not bother about being late for work.

And simple as it may be, I didnt think I got it.
Yup, I did wake up when my biological clock told me to, not the mechanical one for once.
But I had like 3 dreams, with different leads in each of them, yet each being so palpable.

Source: My cookie heart by pincel3d

On the day I left the job, I wonder if its indicative of something..
Maybe I am really not... free.


On another note, my exams start next Fri and I haven't started revising at all. It's almost impossible to prepare for exams when you are working at the same time. Trust me, you wouldn't understand unless you have been there, done that.

So for those who are full and part time workers and students concurrently, brace on!
In the words of Harvey Dent:
The night is darkest before the dawn..
In the words of Swee:
Every cloud has a silver lining...
The shining edges of every cloud reminds us that every difficult situation has a bright side.
What doesnt kill you makes you stronger!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Dark Knight, at long last...

After what seemed like forever, I finally caught the movie...
and was duly blown away...

The cast, the cars, the acting, the action, and just about everything made my wait for the movie seem so worthwhile..

It must have been the first time that I was watching a movie and worrying that it was about to end anytime soon. Like when Two-Face (Harvey Dent) was unveiled, I thought the movie would end abruptly and just push all the unaccounted details to the next sequel. Turned out my worries were unfounded as it ended anything but abruptly, and yet it still left you wanting for more.

Much has been said about Heath Ledger's performance as Joker in the movie, and I would say he thoroughly deserves all those accolades and more. But, I thought all that attention took credit away from Christian Bale for his role as Batman. Maybe it's me but after watching his part in an earlier movie, The Prestige, I have been a fan since.

And I thought the last line in the movie served much food for thought, the first part especially.

"Because he's the hero that Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him...because he can take it...because he's not a hero...he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...the Dark Knight".

Catch the movie, if you haven't already..
And catch it again, if you have only caught it once..