Friday, August 8, 2008

Glory or Honour - What gives?

Foreign talent - A term frequently used by the government in so many of their campaigns and I think it has been fully exemplified in every sense of the word, with the Olympics probably being an excellent example.

A few days ago, I read in the papers about how a former S'pore athlete talked about how sports in the past was all about passion, and love, never about the monetary incentives.

I think it's inevitable that money has crept into the game, and in doing so, it improved the standards too. Sporting events have become so monetized that every country so badly wants to get a share of it. Sponsorships, endorsements, incentives, bonuses, ads, and the list just goes on.

150,000 pounds a week for playing the world's favourite sport. I would want that! That amount is really... gross. And when you read about how footballers are still asking for bigger pay packages and sulking like spoilt brats, it just disgusts me.

At the end of the day, Sports has somewhat fallen into a grey area - A passion, or an occupation? I definitely am of the opinion that to see improvement in every area, we need to treat it like a profession, and thus the salaries and bonuses.

But, what is the fundamental principle that reigns now, the big bucks, or as unlikely it may be, passion?

This really brings me to my point. And it's also quite apt that I choose to bring this up on the eve of our nation's 43rd birthday. In the pursuit of sporting glory, our country has done well and scoured globally for foreign talent. Yes, our standards have definitely risen, but have our national values taken a sidestep in the process?

Let's just take a look at the two sports that I hold close to my heart, table tennis and soccer. In the much hyped football friendly against Brazil a few weeks back, if you have not been following the local football scene, you would be shocked to see the number of foreign players in our team. It must have been an excellent opportunity for others to truly understand cosmopolitanism at its best.

Don't doubt my loyalty though. When I watch our nation compete, I am truly a fan. It does not matter who is playing but when I see the nation's flag flying, it does give me a sense of pride. I cheer with every point won, and I despair with every one lost.

But, I do wonder if it would make any difference, if certain things change. I believe we have read in the papers too about unfair remarks made by other countries in regards to our sporting lineups.

Our country is small, resources are limited, population is meagre, but I am proud to say that we have made it that far and at such great success too.
While we all agree that the world is shrinking and it was recently proved that we are all within six degrees of separation, there are some aspects that do not apply.

Glory or Honour?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Its all about the money~
dum dum dumm dummm dee dee dee dum

Anonymous said...

everyone wants a piece of the money pie. its all glory mate. honour's dead.

Swee said...

I had a lot more to say, but had my reservations cos of the sensitivity.