Friday, August 22, 2008


I realise Fridays do not matter so much now that I'm not working. Well, I'm kinda enjoying my little break and hiatus here. Exams ended on Wed and I guess I'm not used to having so much time at hand, even though its only been a day of really idling around. Sorry if I made any of you jealous!

Like I told my friend, I ought to plan what I have to catch up on and do stuff that I couldn't afford to while at my job. The school term starts on 15 Sept, which means I have a nice 3 week holiday to look forward to. Ahhh don't you feel happy for me already? Haha..

Woke up early at 8 this morning and went for a jog. A rain-drenched one, that is. I thought it was pretty cooling to let rain... hmmm... rain on me though. Must have been a while since I last jogged because my stamina sucked and I couldn't even last the usual distance. And with my impending IPPT and Nike 10K run, it ain't too good news!

I reckoned I must have did too many chin-ups at home and my left shoulder is feeling rather peeved. So much so that he decided to go on strike and slide out of its usual position and leave the owner with that all too familiar agony. Ouch.

Good thing though that the strike was only a very brief one.

A shoulder dislocation, after what has been a rather peaceful few months. Please be good and stay in your faithful position while during soccer tomorrow alright?


On another note, I finally found time and went for my first visit to the dentist voluntarily. Voluntarily because all those visits to the school dentist and SAF medical centre are not in the same category.

The result? I am going to have my wisdom extracted from me on 8th Sept. Two of my pearly whites at that too, one on either side.

Ouch. Again.

I must be really lucky or the dentist is a real good capitalist because he sure made it sound like I needa get it sorted out in the next one to two weeks. The first thing he asked me was whether I had finished NS and said I really should have done it during my NS time and save on the fees. Haha. Damn.


I think it's been a while since I last wrote about my life and the daily happenings.
Too much free time. =)

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