Thursday, June 5, 2008

Of Probability and Coincidence

Do you believe in Coincidence and its very existence?
Or are you an advocate of the notion that there is an external force at work, and everything that happened had been orchestrated and planned out way beforehand?

If you went overseas and bumped into a friend over there, is that Coincidence, or is it just a game of probability and math?

I once read a book detailing about whether coincidences exist.
I dont think I managed to finish that book but as of what I've read, this is the message that the book tried to convey:

What could happen, WILL happen.

In a nutshell, every possible outcome or event that could happen, will eventually happen, and it’s only a matter of time before it does.
If something takes place a sufficient number of times, every possible outcome would have been covered. (keep betting on Derby to win the title, and one day they really will)

It’s somewhat similar to probability, if you like to think in another way. And for the betting optimist out there, it means that you WILL strike the lottery, if you live long enough that is.


Anonymous said...

dude. watch the matrix.

it'll answer ur questions.

Swee said...

I think I'm not alone when I say that the only thing I remember about the matrix are the infamous hang-in-the-air moves, and Keanu Reeves.

The plot somehow didn't really get to me when I first watched it. Anyway, I wiki-ed it and it's not really similar to my entry.