Friday, December 24, 2010
Primary School Gathering
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Bye Bye Mediocrity
So when your mind is stuck and you need fresh ideas, what do you do?You go for a jog duh!
"Time without attention is worthless, so value attention over time"
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Giving Blood
And after that session, I think I want to be a regular blood donor from now on.

Well, I get to save lives + apparently it's good for myself too, so why not?
And if you are healthy, and eligible for blood donation, you should go too!
One bag of blood saves up to 3 lives, and I'm glad I'm an official life-saver now. :)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
25 soon...
25 is a magical number.
It means I have been alive for 25 years, not 24, and not 23, so its really magical.
Okay it has been a really fastttt year.
In terms of my business, it hasn't been really fruitful. Time passes so fast when you are in the doldrums... When you are on top of the world, you are always afraid that it wouldn't last.. I
Weird isn't it?
But I will learn to embrace good things soon.
Here's to a better year ahead for all of us!
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Beauty of Outsourcing
Friday, August 20, 2010
Splitting wood
When using an axe to split logs, it's awfully tempting to aim at the top of the log.
After all, if you miss the log entirely, it's dangerous or at the very least, ineffective. One can argue that if you don't split the top, it's pointless—nothing else will happen.
The problem with aiming at the top is that the axe loses momentum before its work is done and you end up with a stuck axe and half a split log.
No, the best approach is to focus on splitting the bottom of the log. Split the bottom and the top takes care of itself.
Amplification: some of my smartest and fastest-reading readers (and some with experience in log splitting) missed the point of the post above. I'm not Gary Larson, so I guess I should clarify.
I'm not talking about turning the log upside down or some other semantic trick. I'm pointing out that if you aim at the top (at getting started), then you don't split the wood. If you aim at the bottom (by way of the top) then you do.
Hitting the top of the log isn't, the point, it's merely the beginning of the stroke.In other words, don't focus so much on starting something. It's the follow through that will get you there, so the beginning must be with the end in mind. And yes, this actually makes wood chopping far easier.
Just when I am starting to feel overwhelmed by the massive tasks I have ahead of me, I came upon this entry.
Note to self: Don't focus on being perfect!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I need validation
What is a screwed up lifestyle?
When you have breakfast at 6am, sleep at 8am, wake up at 3pm, and start work at 5pm.
I think I need to be validated. When people around ask me why am I working on Friday nights, I can't find a reply to that. Well, my point is.. does it really matter?
I don't have a girlfriend now, which can also be translated as having a lot of free time. I do try to squeeze in other activities outside of work - suppers, sports, coffee outings, meetups, family outings..
Am I working too hard?
I know I don't reply that actively on MSN, and I also know I have very short attention spans when I'm online.
But.. I really don't think I am working too hard!
I work at the times when people are not. When the world (or at least Singapore) sleeps, I work. When they wake up and go to work, I'm probably snoring my guts away on my bed.
It's a lonely job.. actually I wouldn't even call it a job but I can't find an apt term now.
I always tell my friends.. It's a means to an end..
I don't foresee myself doing this for a long time.
In fact, I'm already working towards something more long-term and sustainable.
I might neglect you guys online.. I might miss a few MJ sessions.. And I even might miss a few suppers..
But I really do put in the effort to meet up when its possible.
If I'm guilty of anything, then charge me for just my lack of response on MSN.
I guess I just prefer the face-to-face meetup than the behind-the-monitor chat..
Sometimes I have to work at night because I have to meet and talk to Americans during their working hours.. While I try to network with my friends here, I have to do my networking with them too!

Okay enough of bitching.. Just needed to get this off my chest!
Friday, July 30, 2010
I'm feeling so awake..
Okay anyway, Alvin was saying that my posts are so vague and I'm always talking about stuff that no one understands.. Haha. It's like I'm always mentioning exciting times that lie ahead, but there has been no indication of those times anytime soon.
Well I am so vague for a reason - I don't know where those times lead to!
I've been getting myself involved with a few projects that aren't entirely related to affiliate marketing. So to make things clearer and to account to everyone and myself, let me attempt to organize what's on my radar:
1. Set up an ecommerce store for phone accessories
2. Revive heartlanders' love for pasar malams, online!
3. Setting up a blogshop with my brother and Belinda.
4. Discussion with Ben on tuition leads (okay somewhat related to affiliate marketing)
I think I have a ton more, but I'm sure there will be many that fall somewhere along the sidewalk.
It's good to have a lot of ideas, and even better if they are good ones. But if good ideas remain in their purest form, and with no action whatsoever, they will forever just be good ideas.
So live your dream everyone!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
That said, exciting times lie ahead!
Good night world!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Especially to the Canaries of Brazil
Viewing not recommended for Alpha Males who like to caress their own egos.
A classic song that has been recently re-glorified because of Ding Dang. If you are someone who thrives on oldies (ala Ben), I recommend the original singer - 趙傳's version.
1 Word to describe: Inspirational
If you cringe at oldies (ala KY), then I think you'll love 丁噹's rendition. Very powerful and strong vocals. "Like"
1 Word to describe: Powerful
作詞:李宗盛 作曲:李宗盛
有時候我覺得自己像一隻小小鳥 想要飛卻怎樣也飛不高
我是一隻小小小小鳥 想要飛呀飛卻飛也飛不高
我尋尋覓覓尋尋覓覓一個溫暖的懷抱 這樣的要求算不算太高
世界是如此的小 我們註定無處可逃
當我嚐盡人情冷暖 當你決定為了你的理想燃燒
Monday, June 28, 2010
Taking time out...

It's been some time since I've been able to get my mind off work. Sometimes you are so caught up in what you're doing that you dont leave time for anything else.
We gotta do that more often!
And on Fri morning, I actually woke up early enough to meet JL for breakfast. It was a great meal and the talk we had gave me new perspective once more.
They say it's hard to find confidantes, and I'm glad to have all the people around me who can hear me bitch.
Now Swee, let it all out!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Like what Andrew described of himself, I was really like a walking zombie for the past 2 days. Haha.
Once I got out of the bed, the only thing I wanna do is to get back. And so it was 2 full days of rest for me as I let my battery recharge.
Lots of time to think about stuff these few days and I thought that was a good thing.
I realize my mind is much clearer when I'm away from the computer. Most of my ideas and thoughts only come when I am not staring at my laptop.
Actually, I find that my mind goes through a lot when I close my eyes and I splash/shower/spray water on my face. That also means the times when I wash my face, shower, or swim.
Anyway, I have been thinking of the steps ahead and the path that I should be taking. Been thinking about it for some time but I guess I needed a fever to jolt my brain cells into overdrive.

Things move. People move.
Now it's time for me to move!
Friday, June 4, 2010
It means supper + breakfast, just like how brunch was coined!
I think I have found the perfect remedy to have breakfast everyday - take it before I go to sleep!
For the past 2 days (and it looks like today will be the same as well), I have left my office after 5am and I will have my breakfast before I go home.
First day - Ban Mian
Second day - Vegetarian Bee Hoon
Haha okay I know those are probably the cheapest of thrills around but I do enjoy it.
Alright off to earn my breakfast!
Monday, May 31, 2010

Why I always (quote Andrew) rent an office...

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Moving on?
When I say move, I mean moving on to a higher step, and not moving off.
Nope I do not have any concrete plans yet.
I have many vague ideas/thoughts that constantly flash past but nothing has gotten me excited enough to make me want to move on.
I know what I'm currently doing is not for the long term; it's more of a "quit while you're ahead" thing.
I've gotten ahead a fair bit, now I'm thinking if I should persevere to build on it, or leverage it to do something else (don't ask me what).
Time to think hard again, Swee.
Stop letting your mind rot!
Feedback please
Anyone wants to contribute their 2-cents?
And maybe guess who designed what? =)
Click on the images to get a better view
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Outsourcing My Life?

Reading, to me, is somewhat like the pebbles, stones and sand analogy. The first time I read a book, I don't think I will ever fully comprehend the true underlying meaning. I find myself understanding a lot more whenever I read books for a second time.
I'm not referring to reading a second time like what we were taught to do for our primary school comprehension essays. My second time usually involves a pretty long break in between.
Some books that I used to deem boring the first time round, seem to be much more interesting now.
I feel I'm at a very critical stage of my life, and I can feel a big change about to take place.
I can't tell you exactly what, because seriously I have no idea myself.
It's like palpitation.. Sometimes the inspiration/urge comes, while at times I'm like a dead man watching the hours pass by..
For now, my thoughts are about outsourcing my life away!
"If you are in any way central to your business, you don't have a business... You have a job."
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Motivation is Overrated
And I found this...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
It's a Fad
My Dear Child...
The letter was actually a mixture of english (probably written by the ChildFund representative) and khmer (I think), the official cambodian language. So I would assume the khmer words were from him, because they were written with a pencil and it looked right out of a child's handwriting.
He even made a pencil tracing of the outline of his fingers.. That's the thing we all used to do when we were young. Haha
Sometimes I think this could just be a scam - the children could be bogus, and the letters sent to me are all written by adults who are laughing at someone who is stupid enough to send money to others half the world away. And I've had friends who had told me likewise too.
But...... I think I choose to believe in the good things.
And I'm glad that what I'm doing here, is going to a greater cause elsewhere. :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Sponsored Children!
There are many ways of helping others out, but one way that I have always wanted to contribute is to give needy children a good environment to grow up in.
I am very fortunate to be born in Singapore, where we all lead a fairly comfortable life since young. We are given an excellent environment to develop and grow. Many luxuries that are alien to the more unfortunate ones, just appear to come naturally to us.
Some time back, I made the decision to sponsor a few children, to do my part in giving them a better living environment.
Most of these children were born in poor families with total annual incomes of less than USD $300.
Sponsoring a child only costs USD $28/month, and I figured that I could part with that money that would otherwise be spent on more suppers.
1 supper = $4
7 suppers = $28 (sponsor a child for a month)
21 suppers = $84 (sponsor 3 children every month)
So taking into consideration that I have supper 21 times a month (usually 32 [8 times a week * 4 ]), I thought the money would be better off spent helping the children who need it, than using it to make myself fatter.
And if you're interested, check them out.
Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts
It's about the journey.
Money is not the end, its just a means to an end.
Means = Money
Goal = Freedom, or [Insert your dream here]
And then I read this from Anthony Robbins,
“Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.”
Recently I've been speaking to two friends about their dreams, and how they want to achieve it. One has a burning desire to take care of everyone's soles while the other is plotting to revolutionize the tutoring industry.
Two vastly different ideals, one identical fervent passion.
I would be most glad if I could assist them in any way; I hope I can be part of these revolutions too!
I honestly believe that everyone has a dream, and a vision of what you want to be.
My more pressing doubt though is...
Are you getting closer to that dream?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A friend in need is a friend indeed
DZ: i saw the banner u did for ur parents
DZ: if u need help with graphics
DZ: u know i can help u right
Swee: HAHA
DZ: no underlying meaning
Monday, April 5, 2010
Makan Sutra
You are what you read
I have a love-hate relationship with books. When I was young, I really loved reading, and just like any other primary kid out there, my favourite author was Enid Blyton.
I had every Enid Blyton book, or at least what I could lay my eyes on when I entered the bookstore. Haha.. My gifts, prizes were all spent on books, and reading was likely my only pastime during my lower-primary years.
And then, I grew out of reading. Don't ask me why but I kinda stopped reading after the Secret Sevens and Famous Fives... It's like I could no longer find any new books by Enid Blyton and I took it as a cue to stop reading too.
The only books I read since then were the books that were part of our English Literature curriculum in secondary school, and even so, I did not finish any of the books. "To Kill a Mockingbird" totally killed off whatever minute remaining interest I had in reading.
That lull period of non-reading lasted for a very long time (more than a decade!). I am actually referring to reading of books here, not newspapers, magazines, websites, etc.
So it took more than ten years, and some positive influence from a book fanatic to get me to pick up my first ever read. I wouldn't say I was hooked, but I was just pleasantly surprised that I could finish reading the book (yes cheap thrill I know).
Previous limp attempts to read failed terribly as I could not bring myself to advance beyond the first few pages. I find myself drifting out of the story after only a few minutes - I had the shortest attention span!
So having picked up reading again, I can say I have benefited immensely. I read mostly non-fiction books and my shelves are lined with tons of those now. I get excited when I enter bookstores, and many a time, I find myself buying more than what I can read.
But..... my attention span is still short. Or rather, you could say its highly selective. haha. There are still books that I have bought that I do not read beyond the first few chapters, as they are just plain boring. These books drone on and on about the same stuff, sometimes it feels like I'm reading an article spinner!
Anyway, my point is that having picked up reading again, I have learnt quite a fair bit. Different insights, thoughts, experiences, ideas, reflections can all be derived from the yellow and unattractive pages of a simple paperback (or sometimes the e-ink interface of my Kindle). When I find myself devoid of ideas, I start reading.
It always gives me perspectives. I like to read, and to think out loud. Oh well, and if you still remember Bookworm, you will remember their slogan:

Okay, happy week ahead!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Starting a New Phase
In a jiffy/blink of an eye/(insert phrase learnt in secondary school to describe passing of time), it's already April!
So 3 months into the year, I have come to a realization that time is way ahead of me. Ok but this post is not supposed to be about me; it's about my parents.
It has been 3+ months since my dad gave up his Econ minimart and he has been a happy homemaker all this while. haha.
Watching korean dramas, helping out in household chores, going for walks at ECP with my mum on alternate days, and really just lowering a few gears, after being so caught up with work for the past 30 over years.
While it has been a good break after all that toil, I think we do realize that he is still too young to retire.
So today, my mum and dad will enter a new phase of their lives as they take over a canteen stall at a primary school!
I hope that they will enjoy it very much. =)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Going the Distance
I can go the distance.
I will find my way,
If I can be strong.
I know every mile,
will be worth my while.
When I go the distance,
I'll be right where I belong.
And then hustle some more!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
8 Key Differences Between Super Affiliates and Struggling Affiliates
Since I’ve been a successful affiliate marketer for a long time and have coached many affiliates on how to be more successful, I thought it could be helpful write about the key differences that I see between the mindsets of super affiliates and struggling affiliates.
If you have dabbled in affiliate marketing but aren’t making a killing yet, then you might find that some of the differences I mention below are issues you need to resolve first.
1. Super affiliates take action towards their goals, while struggling affiliates often procrastinate, or spend too much time overeducating or preparing themselves and not enough time DOING. Super affiliates are usually prepared to fail fast and often, learning from their mistakes, rather than not making any progress at all.
2. Super affiliates invest their money in software, marketing, and outsourcing, and then spend what is left. Struggling affiliates spend the vast majority of their money on other parts of their lives, and then invest what is left in their online business.
3. Super affiliates invest their time in networking with and learning from other successful people, whereas struggling affiliates often try to work alone, or listen to people who have a negative influence on them. In addition, super affiliates try to learn as much as possible from other successful people through books, audio, or DVDs. This is especially important when you’re not in a position or location where you can network with other successful Internet marketers face to face.
4. On a similar note, super affiliates enjoy the process of learning, even when they’re learning from their failures. Struggling affiliates often don’t enjoy having to constantly learn new techniques and ideas, and don’t appreciate the experience of failing in order to learn and grow.
5. Most super affiliates understand the power of their mind and focus on developing strong self belief and an abundance mindset, whereas struggling affiliates can get derailed by negative self-talk, focusing on what is going wrong in their lives and in their affiliate marketing efforts.
6. Most super affiliate millionaires that I’ve met in person (and I’ve met dozens) only focus on one or two niches. It’s true that most have experimented in many other niches in order to find the ‘golden’ one or two that work for them. Struggling affiliates, though, are often scattered all over the place, and even when they find a niche that makes them money, they keep moving on to the next niche without fully maximizing their potential or getting to know a niche in extreme depth.
7. Most super affiliates build a strong mailing list through email capture and make regular repeat sales to the same people. Struggling affiliates often like to skip the process of building a website to gain leads and focus on direct traffic, missing out on the chance of repeat sales and having more marketing opportunities.
8. Most super affiliate millionaires I know, including myself, make the vast majority of their money from the big competitive niches, and not from the smaller, less competitive niches. Super affiliates are not afraid of competition, whereas many struggling affiliates are. Super affiliates realize that to make big money, you have to go where the big money is. I’ll clarify this by saying that small niches are good to sink your teeth into early on and to make some sales, but in the long run, to make 7 figures or more online, you need to get good at marketing in one of the major niches where billions of dollars are being spent (e.g., diet/fitness, make money online, dating/relationships niches, self-help, security software, etc.).
I hope the above differences between super affiliates and struggling affiliates inspire you to upgrade your mindset and start thinking and acting like a super affiliate! Above all, make sure you follow point #1: super affiliates take action towards their goals.
Get it?
This is why you should wake up from your extremely overdue slumber.
So now....
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sense of Urgency (or lack thereof)
I've been passing time, watching trains go by....
So today's entry is about how wasteful I've been with time, and how I ought to be shot!
I know I mentioned in one of my posts before that having time is a misnomer, because we can never have time, we only waste time.. And true to my word, I've wasted a quarter of 2010 away.
So as I'm moving further and further away from my noble (I think) aspirations, I know I need to wake up and do something productive and different finally.
You guys might not understand it, but when you work at home and without the need to report to anyone, being productive is a daunting task.
I have abundant time, but the more time I have, the lesser things I get done.
And to list some of the lame attempts at increasing my productivity:
Resolutions don't work.
Self-help books don't work.
Motivational posters don't work.
To-do lists don't work.
Inspirational music doesn't work.
And I just read this on another blog,
Procrastination is masturbation…you’re only ever fucking yourself.
Well said.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I like to take pictures...
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A Happy Man at Killiney... |
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...on his way to order food.. |
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..not so happy now... |
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Believe it or not, this is the only poster that keeps falling off the wall |
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Gelare Feast |
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Where I spend my Sunday mornings.. |
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For Ch.. (No. 7) |
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Now you know why he's so happy |
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the only reason we go to school! |
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落叶归根 |
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My view from the 8th floor |
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Nice view, no? |
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大团圆 (Big Reunion) |
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Peanut dumplings |
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we love dumplings |
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Nice toes |
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Some performance at Esplanade, before the Kumar show |
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The girl on the left, I like |
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Not a scene for the faint-hearted |
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I kinda enjoyed the performance |
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Condoms given out before the show.. Placement WIN |
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Inside the Durian |
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From new photos |
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I think she's distraught after the show |
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I think she heard me sing |
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Everyone likes my shoes |
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Commando |
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Where we eat on Sunday evenings, sometimes.. (Block 511 Bedok North) |