Friday, January 29, 2010

I needa slim down

So now im fatter, and everyone seems to be noticing it too!

I went for a long jog earlier, but I think that was more than outweighed (literally) by the Prosperity Burger meal I had after that.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hi, Welcome to Uniquely Singapore

And so it's been almost 2 weeks since I came back from my Taiwan trip.

It was a lot of fun, food, and miles clocked. After about 8 days, 7 cities, 7 hotels, and 6 meals everyday, I only knew I was back in Singapore when sweat greeted me from under my shirt.

It was so cooling there! At least to the country bumpkin who had travelled to not more than 5 countries in his entire 24+ years of life and counting.

The temperature was a comfortable 10+ degrees over in Taiwan - not too cold and just to our liking.

I felt everyone enjoyed themselves very much and it definitely was a good way to start the year. Especially to my younger brother who boarded the plane for the first time ever, I think he really enjoyed himself.

And to my parents who had slogged their lives away at the provision shop and caring for us, this trip would not have been possible if my dad had continued working on at the shop.

Now, to more vacations ahead!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Of Photos and Fun

Some of the few selected photos out of the thousands that were taken during my Taiwan trip, and a few random others.

View the selection here.

Or if you're feeling adventurous and voyeuristic, view all my photos here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Resolution 2010 and the Year (09) Gone By

Because it is almost mandatory for everyone to come up with a list of resolutions for this new year, I had to follow suit too. :)

I have segregated my resolutions this year into business and personal, and while its already the 2nd week of the new year, I reckon it’s still better late than never!


1. Make $1 million in profits
2. Automate my business (make it auto-pilot)
  • I don’t want to have to monitor my campaigns so closely. I would relish a more relaxed form of control.
3. Network with more people
  • Attend one affiliate convention in the US
  • Interact with more fellow affiliates, internet marketers
4. Start my own internet marketing company for businesses
5. Get my own office (or at least a decent workstation)


1. Get out there; Meet more/new people!
2. Go for at least 2 overseas vacations
3. Give back to the society, help the needy
4. Get lean, and fit!
  • Swim once a week
  • Jog once a week
  • Go to the gym regularly
5. Get my BMW!

I had wanted to come up with my resolutions before the dawn of the new year, but procrastination once again got the better of me. So, the entire list was thought up while I was on the plane back from my Taiwan trip.

I’ve said before that my concentration comes in spurts, and I still believe it does. I got this sudden surge of brainpower and jolt to my brain cells while I was in the plane, and that was there and then that I came up with my resolutions. :)

What's yours?


So I wanted to talk about 2009, the year gone by. I was looking through my blog entries for the past year and I decided to comments on a few memorable ones, as well as put it here to remind myself. (Lines in italics are excerpts of posts)

March 09 -
I still recall the day I signed on the dotted line.
The contract that bounded me to life as a miserable employee for 11 agonizing months.
And I really didn't have a choice back then. Breaking the bond meant I had to pay compensation of $10K - something which I well am not able to foot out.

So I stayed on.
The months passed,
the white hairs grew,
the acne popped out.

I've been thinking of business ideas, ventures, so much lately that I'm getting overwhelmed at times. I have a feeling that something will happen soon, and I'm trying to faciliate that opening.

Watch this space!

May 09 -
Not enough time is really a misnomer. We don't have time, we only waste time. We can never keep hold of time in our hands, we can only lose it every minute.

What I really wanna say is that when you say you don't have time for this or that, it just means you prefer to devote your time to other stuff you deem important.
Well, as it turned out, the well of fortune dried up, and your ONLY cash cow was squeezed dry. I can't imagine you were that stupid to think it would last. If anyone deserves a slap, your big and chubby cheeks deserve it more! Then, you finally jolted yourself to getting some new campaigns done up.

Now, you're seeing some success again and I bet it feels like deja vu. Yes you earned that amount of money in a day, and I must congratulate you on a job well done. But, have you not realized this scenario looks all too familiar? Do you think this will last?
I don't care what you think or if you think I'm arrogant, I just want this to serve as motivation and remind myself that one will only get lucky if you work hard.

"Fortune rewards the brave.. and the hardworking ones"

June 09 -
Sure, I get a lot of freedom and enjoyment being just me and me alone, but if you put things into perspective, the glass is only half full in this case.
Maybe we all flock together, but a couple of my friends and I are engaged in really diverse and unique professions. And because of that, it's easier to be misunderstood than anything else. We are all occupied with our own stuff, but sometimes it's just plain tiring to account to everyone.
Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much time trying to share with people what I do when it is apparent they are not interested at all. I waste my time, my breath, and to make things worse, I waste their time as well.

In the end, no one benefits from it and I get frustrated with myself for all this shit. If you want to learn what it is all about, I'm more than willing to share. But when I take the time out to share, the least I expect is some respect and courtesy.

Sorry, I just need to condition my enthusiasm a little. It's not your fault. The problem lies with me.

July 09 -
One year ago, I wanted to get a degree because my job back then sucked big time and I felt I needed to upgrade myself to get a better job, and a better salary.

Now, I don't want to get a job because I don't want to be an employee and the reason for getting a degree is now somewhat diluted. What I can earn with what I'm doing is something that is not remotely possible if I were to be an employee. So what warrants my degree now? Self actualization? Yeah but I am probably not at that stage of my life yet.
I have been wanting to say this for the longest time, and I think I can finally say it now.

It's been a very long time coming - many hours sacrificed, many classes skipped, many trips to the airport, but finally I can say it with some pride...

I think I have succeeded.


Now to keep it going!

Aug 09 -
We participated in a soccer competition last Sunday and surprise surprise, we actually got 2nd!

Never were we ever close to winning any silverware before, so to win something this time round was a huge huge surprise.

With a team name like "Huat Ah", it was pretty evident we were praying for divine help in the team's fortunes.

Oct 09 -
They say that when you dream, dream big.

Well, it makes perfect sense because since you're already dreaming, why waste your time carving out small and minute dreams?

Of course there is still the concern of dreaming within the boundaries of reality and fantasy, but I say throw caution to the wind and dare to dream big!
I have supper more than I have breakfast but I really do wish I can have the best of both worlds.

I have nasi lemak and hokkien mee at 4am and my friend says I'm too fat for M-sized shirts.

I'm glad I have friends who are willing to come out for supper at 4am and for substandard food.

My work is so hard to understand that when I go to a wedding dinner and get asked by Friend A what do I do now, Friend B says I do porn sites.

Nov 09 -
There was a time...

...when I dreaded going to work everyday and I wished I would strike the lottery so I could buy out my one-hell-of-a-scam-contract.

...when I would think twice about what I could afford for meals, and ration for the occasional indulgence.

...when I felt I was letting my family down because they have been ever so supportive but I've done nothing worthy of note.

...when I would go to the airport at night to do work, get a cuppa, pay for few hours of parking, and leave feeling like shit because I just spent so much and didn't make a single cent.

...when I felt I was a liability for squandering the money that I've borrowed from my family and still not see any results in my work.

You might not be able to relate to those times, but I can assure you that it sure felt bad. I started out with a $10,000 loan from my family (my parents, and my 2 brothers). It didn't take too long before I managed to spend lose most of that.

I don't mind losing my own money, but to take money from others and to lose it away, that feeling simply sucks.


Pretty interesting and thought-invoking when you read through your entries for the year and realize how things have changed.

Alright enough reflection now, time to get back to work!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Taiwan, Here I Come!

I'll be leaving for Taiwan today, and will be back in a week.

Until then, be good.
