Monday, April 21, 2008

Friday evening

It seems like nowadays, I play soccer at East Coast every week. Not that I'm complaining though. Met up with Dz, Alvin, KY and Jackson for a game on Fri night. And Jackson really looks like he has made it big, and I mean it for his physical outlook as well. Haha.

Saw Pei En that night and I think it must have been the first time that I saw her since sec school days. She looked as slim as ever though. To be honest, I am really impressed with how the two of them have come so far. I heard that they had a few ons and offs in between but still, it takes a lot to reunite after such a long time.

After the game, we hung out at McCafe and surprisingly, talked football with DZ. Seems that he has suddenly taken to watching football games and the ones with Man Utd in particular.

DZ, I recall now. You didn't throw *bee bee at Cuiwen, you threw at the random unfortunate passenger sitting on the bus! And I wasn't the one who accused you, it was Andrew. But, it was the truth anyway!

Oh, and thanks dudes for the brilliant sabotage.
Appreciate it deeply.

*For the uninitiated, bee bee is the best thing since sliced bread! And it just costs $0.10, mind you.

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