Monday, March 31, 2008

Of partying and boozing

I refer to the article dated 310308:
"Why get all tanked up on booze?" by Jessica Lim of the Straits Times.

I have more than my fair share of late nights but I'm someone who does not like to waste the morning away. It sickens me when I wake up to find that the morning just passed me by. Maybe that explains why I am so tired always. I sleep late into the night and I try to wake up earlier than what my biological clock tells me to...

I'm not a fan of booze and the hard partying and I don't think I ever will. But the article did touch on what I have always thought, and told to some of my friends. (Read the paragraph highlighted in red)

Well, to each his own I know, but it never hurts to accept a few more perspectives.

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