Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thanks for the well wishes...

My dad's alright now and will be discharged today. He went for his endoscopy yesterday morning and the stone was removed in the process as well.

The stone was actually washed away while the doctor pumped liquid in together with the tube, so all the worries and fears about how the stone would be removed turned out to be unfounded. Haha. My dad's eating well and back to his jovial self again. Hope that my mum can at last sleep well! She had been the most worried one all the while so it was really a big relief when the good news came.

While we were all at the hospital and accompanying my dad, we talked quite a bit. And we especially talked about my dad's provision shop. For those who do not know, my dad owns an Econ Minimart with his brother. It's at Bedok North Street 2, Block 122, Unit #XX-XX. Okay I know too much information.

Anyway, I've been telling him all along to give up the shop and do something easier and less taxing. He works a crazy 14 hours a day, and he has been doing this even before I was borne. A typical day starts at 7am and ends at 9pm. Yes, he is his own boss, but it comes at the expense of many other things.

He does not have time to exercise, he has to be on his feet the whole day, he has to carry sacks of rice, cartons of drinks, easily weighing more than 50kg, he has to work even when he's sick, he has to put up with all sorts of unbelievable people at the shop, and a whole lot of other stuff that I would rather not comment on.

So it's a topic that we have been discussing sporadically. My bro's gonna finish his studies this mid-year, and will be getting a job after that. I am currently working as well, so finances should not be a problem. His main concern now lies with the fact that I plan to study come end of the year. Hence, his decision to stay on at the shop, at least till I graduate. There are other reasons as well but those are other stories for another day.

I've not really shopped at provision shops or supermarts, hypermarts, megamarts, (or whatever humongous term they come up with) since young. All necessities were provided of, courtesy of the shop, and it's definitely a welcome luxury.

Imagine a kid going inside a shop and having access to all the goodies there! That's how good, or bad it was. Haha. So I had my fair share of snacks, sweets and whatever I wanted to try out. Hey but I did earn my keep back then too. Always helped out at the cashier or stocked up the goods when they ran out, albeit a bit reluctantly at times.

Thinking back, it was more fun than toil, and every trip to the shop means I will go back home with many bags of goodies. No wonder my cheeks are so chubby now!

Talking about that, I must be suffering from hormonal imbalance. Pimples are sprouting from nowhere and it just doesnt get better. It disgusts me to see the state of my face. Really need to seek medical help soon.

Alright, I'm back to work.


Anonymous said...

dude, the solution is simple.
let ur dad retire and u take over.
and then delegate and outsource the minimart. so you don't have to work at all! easy..
oh wait..no its a franchise rite? yeah bring over to australia and charge ridiculous prices... people WILL pay..
and your dad can retire in australia. :)

Swee said...

Sounds like a plan.

Do you have 50 cents can drinks over at Australia?

Anonymous said...

50 cent can drinks? no way.. haha..

the norm is in excess of a dollar.
oh and you can hire students from china and hk... they work bloody hard for a small pay..